So I did my first set of auditions this weekend.
First I went to Qubix in Bangalore where I tried the Wharfdale Evo 4.4 and the B&D 603 S2. It was placed in the middle of an untreated showroom so was an open setup
Wharfdale Evo 4.4
- Fuller sounding for sure. The Wharfdale mid-range really comes through
- Less resolution than I'm used to, even with the Dali Zensor 3s
- Soundstage was missing
- They sounded shrill? I've heard AMT tweeters before (and liked them on Emotiva airmotivs) but this one didnot sound good to my ears
- Overall: Didnot sound like an upgrade to me from the current setup
B&D 603
- The first thing you notice is the resolution and clarity - seperation of instruments is insane on these
- The soundstage was wide and expansive, reaching beyond the physical location of the speakers themselves
- The mid-range was somewhat missing, and in the open room I could not feel the same impact as the wharfdales
- Overall: These would be good for classical/jazz/hindi music but I lean more towards electronic so in the end not a signature for me
Next I went to the new Focal powered by Naim flagship showroom in central Bangalore. This store is just 4 months old and is a fun experience for FMs for sure!
I tried the Focal Chora 826, Aria 926 and Aria 936
The Focal Aria 926 sounded really good, definitely a step up from the Chora in fullness and resolution (and price

- Fast and fun sounding
- Very good dynamics
- Full sound - extended low enough for me and with a sub there were no voids
- Soundstage was surely smaller than the B&W 603s, but wide enough
- Reasonable instrument seperation, B&W ahead again
- The Aria 936 had a much deeper low-end, but with a subwoofer it was moot
- Overall: I liked these the best of the 3, and a clear contender for me. Might go back at the end of the loop to demo them again.
Once I was done with the Focal Chora and Aria lines, Azaad the showroom tech took me over to a hidden room to listen to the Grande Utopia EVOs

. Picture dump below.
Next up for testing - Monitor Audio, Dali.
I've not found Paradigm, Triangle & Revel so far in Bangalore - any suggestions on who stocks these?