Usher Audio V601


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
On a recent chance visit to Landmark, I bought some cheap back issues of Stereophile and hifi+ as bathroom reading material. Soon enough I started crawling the internetz for a head-fi setup to bypass some of the inconveniences of a stereo setup, but I was easily confused & discouraged by a plethora of options, jargon, opinions, counter-opinions, counter-counter opinions and the existence of so many garage high-end companies( as dfkt from abi called them once on irc ). Too much to process, judge and decide.

So, took the relatively easier, cleaner route and got myself a simple setup of Usher V601 powered by the Marantz PM5004 with CD5004 as the source, using Audio Art IC-3 interconnects, and ARN custom speaker cables.

Putting on Steven Wilson's cover of Abba's The Day Before You Came, I was really impressed by the intimate, involving and full sounding vocals coupled with the rich, organic texture of the song's acoustic arrangement. There is nice separation during the ambient chorus with the female voice in the background and Wilson singing the main lyrics. My favorite part of the song is when after the line "...and the rattling on the roof, I must have heard the sound of the rain", there is a very small pause and you hear the sound of the rain before the song resumes again with "...the day before you came", towards the end. The speakers did justice to that little detail, as you would hear on good earphones. Another revelation came while listening to Tool's Mantra. I never knew
there was a low-sounding periodic hum in the background to the already ambient sound
( supposedly a slowed down version of Maynard squeezing his cat ! ). Also, backup vocals, for example, on tracks from Nirvana's In Utero album come out pretty well and clear.

Thom Yorke's vocals on Go to Sleep, True Love Waits, Fake Plastic Trees and other acoustic Radiohead numbers come across as strikingly real, upfront, lending a 'live' characteristic to the sound. In somewhat similar vein, but musically different, Nick Drakes's vocals on I Was Made to Love Magic and River Man sound hauntingly real as well.

The hard hitting snare and kick, and the punchy, exciting bass riffs on In Utero sound just that. I never thought I would be listening to Nirvana after like what, 8 years now, but heck listening to Tourette's once, I was blown. The bass on tracks like these, and others like Radiohead's National Anthem, Talk Show Host & Blackstar sound deep, and tight. Ditto for Porcupine Tree's Halo & The Start of Something Beautiful from Deadwing. Not to mention the first two albums by Arctic Monkeys !

The highs are smooth, and extend nicely. Take cymbals and hi-hats on pretty much all tracks on Fear of a Blank Planet and The Incident.

The only downside to these speakers is that on complex arrangements, like on Tool's Schism, the bass can be a little off at times. The details also aren't as distinct when compared to simpler tracks, but nothing to feel sorry about. These are great budget all-rounders with sufficiently good level of detail and soundstage, with natural, rich mids and clean highs. Most importantly, this is an enjoyable setup, and the speakers do justice to the kind of music you feed them.
Hi Alcy,
Welcome to Usher V601 club. Where did you buy it from (ARN at Delhi or elsewhere?)

The issues you found in complex arrangements and bass are probably related to Break-in period related. I faced something similar when the Spkr was new. However after 100 hrs burn-in it became far better. You ought to hear this with a pre-power amp with at good CDP to know that the congestion and muddy bass is result of its (lack of) synergy with entry level amps and cdp rather than it's own capacity. (My mini-review of Usher V601 in a "hi-end" setup is due in this forum sometime next month).

OTOH the good news is it can sound "fairly" good with entry level setup and you don't need to upgrade V601 till you reach 1 lac priced amps a and CDP. Considering Usher's Indian pricing I doubt you would have found anything in 35k (Jul-10 price) that matches V601... you couldn't have done better. Congrats on your purchase!

Welcome to Usher V601 club. Where did you buy it from (ARN at Delhi or elsewhere?)

Thanks, they were bought from ARN Bangalore.

The issues you found in complex arrangements and bass are probably related to Break-in period related. I faced something similar when the Spkr was new. However after 100 hrs burn-in it became far better. You ought to hear this with a pre-power amp with at good CDP to know that the congestion and muddy bass is result of its (lack of) synergy with entry level amps and cdp rather than it's own capacity. (My mini-review of Usher V601 in a "hi-end" setup is due in this forum sometime next month).

I think they have had a sufficient burn-in. But yes, both my source & amp are entry-level. Better equipment should definitely help. Awaiting your mini-review ;)

OTOH the good news is it can sound "fairly" good with entry level setup and you don't need to upgrade V601 till you reach 1 lac priced amps a and CDP. Considering Usher's Indian pricing I doubt you would have found anything in 35k (Jul-10 price) that matches V601... you couldn't have done better.

Good to know, and yes its a fairly good setup right now. :)
IMHO, the V-series, specifically the 601, seems to be stellar value to me (price/performance). This was an observation made when i did visit ARN last year. Congrats on the purchase, well written impressions.

Hi Alcy,
I just took a demo of the V601 today & was totally blown by the performance of a BS speaker...I was kind of sold on the KEF Q500 FS but this really comes close to the KEF & at a much lower price point.
I have been quoted 39k for a pair...what do you think is the current price of the v601?
I am planning to build my HT setup...which are the surrounds & sub that could go with the Usher V601s? For the AVR, I don't want to spend more than denon suited for usher or yamaha/onkyo?
thanks in advance
They are very good speakers - actually you should try the floorstanding version - the v602 which is not significantly more and sounds more relaxed and slightly laid back compared to the v601. Normally I blindly recommend bookshelves over floorstanders but in this case, the v602 is better to my ears. They are also very easy to drive. So any amp with 50W of refined power should do well with them.
For the V-601 - go with the Denon rather than the Yamaha. As ROC pointed out, should you be able to afford it, the V-602 are very good speakers too (although at a higher price point). There has been a price increase many months back (from the price mentioned in this thread) given the USD increase (its now 55 +).

But guys,

Can you please explain as to why theres no talk about Usher Audio in the forum? From what I gathered Wharfedale, Polk & KEF are the most popular brands here & for good reason too. Does this mean ushers not that good? The V601s are expensive & coming at 35k approx which is a tad high for a BS. I love the SQ though, but am apprehensive due to less reviews & a high cost of the center channel from Usher too.

What do you people think?

Thanks in advance
But guys,

Can you please explain as to why theres no talk about Usher Audio in the forum? From what I gathered Wharfedale, Polk & KEF are the most popular brands here & for good reason too. Does this mean ushers not that good? The V601s are expensive & coming at 35k approx which is a tad high for a BS. I love the SQ though, but am apprehensive due to less reviews & a high cost of the center channel from Usher too.

What do you people think?

Thanks in advance

There are a bunch of reasons for less talk and this doesn't apply just for Usher, but also other brands - I guess the most important reason being availability. The brands you mentioned are available at almost all stereo dealers and are more popular everywhere, other brands are available selectively. Also, if you looking for more talk around Usher brand itself, there are other speakers like Be-718 which are quite popular here as well other places.
But guys,

Can you please explain as to why theres no talk about Usher Audio in the forum? From what I gathered Wharfedale, Polk & KEF are the most popular brands here & for good reason too. Does this mean ushers not that good? The V601s are expensive & coming at 35k approx which is a tad high for a BS. I love the SQ though, but am apprehensive due to less reviews & a high cost of the center channel from Usher too.

What do you people think?

Thanks in advance

There are many reasons, in general niche audio (polk and Kef are huge companies) isnt talked about too much since they arent known to most people. As a distributor one can spend a lot of money advertising and marketing and increase the prices to account for these costs or try to offer the customer a better price by cutting down on these. Dont worry too much about this forum, if you want to know about Usher in general, look outside india and you will find enough info. If you are worried about support from dealer/distributor then do a reference check yourself and see what comes about...:-)

Also, there is nothing like 35K is high for a BS, in general, at this price a 35K BS will outperform a floorstander at an equivalent price.

As Alcy said, the Usher Be-718 BS is one of the best selling bookshelves in the last decade. The V-series center is far ahead of performance of a center channel at this price, best to experience it for yourself.

Hi gchirag,
I you like the V-601 over Q500 then go for it, as I doubt you will find any other spkr (incl floorstander) giving same quality + "signature" at 35k.

As I've witnessed in HFV meet gear demos... this speaker can do justice to amp+cdp combinations costing 1 lac+ each. It never felt that 601 is limiting the potential of such amp+cdp combos. I was looking at my own V-601 in disbelief when it performed with Yamaha S2000 CDP + Electrocompaniet pre-power amps.

^^^^ +1 :thumbsup:

That disbelief was shared by me as well during that meet :D

Usher V-601 are good speakers, no doubt about it. One of the 1st BS speakers that I really liked, especially when I was still in the FS Speakers Camp back in the day.... Not anymore though ;)
Thanks a lot Sonosphere/odyssey/denom,
for clearing my apprehensions. People generally think twice when they see a Made in Taiwan product, but they really sounded special. Moreover, I was floored by the wood/vineer finish on the speakers.
I would need some further help from you guys:

> AVR Denon 1713 OR Onkyo 414 OR Yamaha 373 - I want your feedback as to which AVR would go well with Ushers

> The speaker stands are priced around 8-10k, which adds to the cost of the V601s & takes it close to good FS (say KEF Q500 for eg). This changes the equation, doesn't it?

> I initially set off to buy a plain jane onkyo 3500 5.1 setup & now I'm reaching almost a lac, to set up my speakers!!! In fact I have decided to dismantle a wall between 2 rooms in my house & make it 1 big room meant as a guest room/HT studio. It's going to be 18 feet by 14feet almost. Can you suggest any sort of accoustic treatments which I could instruct my interior decorator to execute?

Your views are highly solicited :)


you are right, but then even Apple products are made in China :-)
The build quality is far ahead for its price, the center alone weighs 20Kg+ - try the rap test and see for yourself.
AVR - go with the Denon

I assume that you would be going to Harmonie audio since you are based in Kolkotta. Work with them and see what options they recommend. I personally would ditch the Onkyo. They have also experience with Yamaha - check with them and see what they say.

At this price of a system, dont worry too much about acoustic solutions. A carpet along with thick wall hangings on the side walls can do wonders.


Thanks a lot Sonosphere/odyssey/denom,
for clearing my apprehensions. People generally think twice when they see a Made in Taiwan product, but they really sounded special. Moreover, I was floored by the wood/vineer finish on the speakers.
I would need some further help from you guys:

> AVR Denon 1713 OR Onkyo 414 OR Yamaha 373 - I want your feedback as to which AVR would go well with Ushers

> The speaker stands are priced around 8-10k, which adds to the cost of the V601s & takes it close to good FS (say KEF Q500 for eg). This changes the equation, doesn't it?

> I initially set off to buy a plain jane onkyo 3500 5.1 setup & now I'm reaching almost a lac, to set up my speakers!!! In fact I have decided to dismantle a wall between 2 rooms in my house & make it 1 big room meant as a guest room/HT studio. It's going to be 18 feet by 14feet almost. Can you suggest any sort of accoustic treatments which I could instruct my interior decorator to execute?

Your views are highly solicited :)


Hi Alcy,
Welcome to Usher V601 club. Where did you buy it from (ARN at Delhi or elsewhere?)

Considering Usher's Indian pricing I doubt you would have found anything in 35k (Jul-10 price) that matches V601... you couldn't have done better. Congrats on your purchase!


Wait till the HFV Pune meet where Usher can find its match or even better it at the price bracket. Hope the V601 will be available for a compare with the Kryptons.

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Awaiting your mini-review ;)

This is coming from "Better late than never department" :D: Your patience has been well rewarded. In case you have missed it see the mini-review here >>

I think they have had a sufficient burn-in. But yes, both my source & amp are entry-level. Better equipment should definitely help

Here's one entry-level combo that can make the Usher V-601 sing better than anything at its price-point IMHO...

Analog out of Asus Xonar ST soundcard modded with AD797 BRZ opamps (@10k~) fed straight into power-amp section of NAD 326 Integrated amp* (@ 32k ~) or Norge power amp (@ 22k~). Use digital volume control of Xonar to control volume. (FM's may contact me for clarification /details if reqd)

*This NAD's power-section is stonking great (especially bass -heft) at its price! it's pre-section is a let-down in low-level details.

Wait till the HFV Pune meet where Usher can find its match or even better it at the price bracket. Hope the V601 will be available for a compare with the Kryptons.


Going a little OT here...

Guy's welcome new kid on the block > Hari's Krypton BS with Kevlar cone woofer. I found the signature and overall performance very similar to Usher V-601 (surprise! these too sound underwhelming with underwhelming source-amp). Heard these on recent HFV meet in Pune. This is based on couple of hrs of listening though... on limited tracks..

Great job Hari! (Sorry couldn't lug the Ushers to meet for comparo... they have been reviewed before in prev meet + I am having a bit of back-problem... and the Ushers are heavy)

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