Staxx, my 2 cents regarding 920 spec sheet.
Weight: It is on the higher side comapred to other flagship phones, but its still 180g which is same as Samsung Note 2.
Memory: 920 comes with 32gb onboard memory whereas 925 only has 16gb.
Processor speed: With dual core processor and 1gb RAM WP response is still better than Nexus 4 and S3 and equal to Iphone 5 (which my wife owns), I have not had chance to compare against S4 yet. But I'll suggest to do the comparison yourself and decide. OS response not only depends upon the processor speed but also on the software stack running on the processor, one good example is Iphone 5, iOS with dual core 1GHz processor with 1Gb Ram still outperforms most of the flagship android phones.
HD screen: pixel density per inch is what actually matters, 920 has 332 ppi. As human eye can not discern granular detail when it is higher than 300ppi I think full HD screen wont matter with this screen size. WP 8.1 is supposed to have support for Full HD screen because new devices coming in future are supposed to have screen sizes upwards of 6 inch and WP 8.1 will also be used in tablets with screen sizes of around 10 inch.
Camera is best in class in terms of low light scenarios (it is still better than 1020 for low light) plus with suspended camera unit video recording happens without blur.
Apps: App department is lacking for WP but I have found most of the app which I need to be there in WP ecosystem. Plus it has full support for Microsoft Office and Outlook which is really helpful for business use.
I am using 920 for past 2 months and I am happy with it. On side note, with 17k in price i think its a steal if you compare most of the flagships are retailing for 25k+.
Disclaimer: I do not work for nokia/microsoft and I don't have any vested interest in these companies.