Visit to gvenu's place


Staff member
Dec 8, 2007
I had a chance to visit FM gvenu the week before on Saturday Feb 9th. Even though it was short notice, Venu asked to me come on over to his place and have a listen. Despite the miserable Bangalore traffic I managed to make it over to his place in time.

Venu has just moved into a new apartment which he told was selected more for the acoustics setup than anything else. His gear is almost all Acoustic Portrait apart from the TT and CDP. For those interested his setup (taken from his signature) is what many fans of Acoustic Portrait will aspire for.

Denon DVDP
Acoustic Portrait 24 Bit/192 KHz Async USB DAC
Pro-Ject Debut III with 2MRed
Lyrita Phono/Line
AP PM1 Valve Pre + Active Cross over + 2X AP CPA3 Mosfet Dual Mono Power Bi-Amp
Acoustic Portrait MTM FS All Scan Speak


Settling in with some tea and kerala banana chips we got going with some tasty vocals. Can't remember who it was but straight away the Acoustic Portrait signature sound was in place. Stereo imaging was dead centre between the speakers from the space where Venu's custom wood audio racks were. Beautiful textures emanating from the Scanspeaks - these were one of Siva's last speakers and are housed in beautifully made wooden cabinets.

Venu just had the caps upgraded in the preamp and power amps. The power amps are in a Bi-Amped setup of the AP CPA3 Dual Monos. The active crossover is built into the AP PM1 Vale Pre box with HF and LF outs going to each mono block of the CPA3s. The cap upgrade meant that the sound still needed to settle and will probably sound great (amazing?!!) after the 200 hr burn in. Still this was great sound coming from the setup.

We switched to some LPs and Venu does have some really nice Vinyls. Since we had just started his TT the Lyrita phono stage still wasn't warmed up but still sounded very nice. The familiar notes of "Take 5" were coming out nice and warm from the MTM Floorstanders. Venu was keen to show me some more records and we went through about four more songs which were all just superb in the mids. Venu knows his stuff and has put a lot of work into his setup.

I was surprised to learn that he had just installed his setup earlier that morning. Having just moved in he had only started to get things in place when my call came. Not bad at all for a setup just installed - actually stellar would be the right word. Still there was the custom wooden audio rack made from a design from Siva and tweaked with some isolation kit from Madisound. Not yet installed was an APC pure sine wave inverter normally used in server rooms etc which Venu says is far better than any power conditioner. As of now it has been installed and Venu says the setup is now dead silent.

We then switched to some music via his AP DAC. What was nice to see is that the AP DAC makes ordinary material sound so much better. He showed me a Hindi CD which was the usual run of the mill disc and played it through the DAC. I was amazed at how well it sounded coming out from the speakers. The AP DAC is the real deal and most of all not very sensitive of the material thrown at it. Very nice for folks like me with varying quality when it comes to my music sources. After switching to some devotional music - all rendered beautifully by the setup - I decided I had to leave to catch up with some of my friends for lunch.

I will reserve comments on the setup for later as really there can be so much improvement possible once the caps settle in and of course with the inverter in place. But even without all of this, Venu has a gem of system at his place. I really enjoyed my short visit to his place. I hope that he will be kind enough to share some pictures and comments on his setup.
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I had a chance to visit FM gvenu the week before on Saturday Feb 9th. Even though it was short notice, Venu asked to me come on over to his place and have a listen. Despite the miserable Bangalore traffic I managed to make it over to his place in time.

Venu has just moved into a new apartment which he told was selected more for the acoustics setup than anything else. His gear is almost all Acoustic Portrait apart from the TT and CDP. For those interested his setup (taken from his signature) is what many fans of Acoustic Portrait will aspire for.

Denon DVDP
Acoustic Portrait 24 Bit/192 KHz Async USB DAC
Pro-Ject Debut III with 2MRed
Lyrita Phono/Line
AP PM1 Valve Pre + Active Cross over + 2X AP CPA3 Mosfet Dual Mono Power Bi-Amp
Acoustic Portrait MTM FS All Scan Speak


Settling in with some tea and kerala banana chips we got going with some tasty vocals. Can't remember who it was but straight away the Acoustic Portrait signature sound was in place. Stereo imaging was dead centre between the speakers from the space where Venu's custom wood audio racks were. Beautiful textures emanating from the Scanspeaks - these were one of Siva's last speakers and are housed in beautifully made wooden cabinets.

Venu just had the caps upgraded in the preamp and power amps. The power amps are in a Bi-Amped setup of the AP CPA3 Dual Monos. The active crossover is built into the AP PM1 Vale Pre box with HF and LF outs going to each mono block of the CPA3s. The cap upgrade meant that the sound still needed to settle and will probably sound great (amazing?!!) after the 200 hr burn in. Still this was great sound coming from the setup.

We switched to some LPs and Venu does have some really nice Vinyls. Since we had just started his TT the Lyrita phono stage still wasn't warmed up but still sounded very nice. The familiar notes of "Take 5" were coming out nice and warm from the MTM Floorstanders. Venu was keen to show me some more records and we went through about four more songs which were all just superb in the mids. Venu knows his stuff and has put a lot of work into his setup.

I was surprised to learn that he had just installed his setup earlier that morning. Having just moved in he had only started to get things in place when my call came. Not bad at all for a setup just installed - actually stellar would be the right word. Still there was the custom wooden audio rack made from a design from Siva and tweaked with some isolation kit from Madisound. Not yet installed was an APC pure sine wave inverter normally used in server rooms etc which Venu says is far better than any power conditioner. As of now it has been installed and Venu says the setup is now dead silent.

We then switched to some music via his AP DAC. What was nice to see is that the AP DAC makes ordinary material sound so much better. He showed me a Hindi CD which was the usual run of the mill disc and played it through the DAC. I was amazed at how well it sounded coming out from the speakers. The AP DAC is the real deal and most of all not very sensitive of the material thrown at it. Very nice for folks like me with varying quality when it comes to my music sources. After switching to some devotional music - all rendered beautifully by the setup - I decided I had to leave to catch up with some of my friends for lunch.

I will reserve comments on the setup for later as really there can be so much improvement possible once the caps settle in and of course with the inverter in place. But even without all of this, Venu has a gem of system at his place. I really enjoyed my short visit to his place. I hope that he will be kind enough to share some pictures and comments on his setup.

Thanks Nikhil for coming to my place. I know I could not host you well and many things were not in place as I just moved in few days back. I thought I will correct few points you mentioned.

I got my system converted to active in beginning of January, but could not listen much due to work schedule and house finishing/shifting. Immediately after shifting one bass driver blew up due to abrupt power on/off which I had to order from Madisound and wait. This made me to get the UPS immediately to protect and for better sound quality.

I am sure the sound is improving every day (becoming more musical..) as the amps get burned-in.

1. Both the power amps are new with Industrial grade power supply caps which need to be settled in. The previous power amp & passive cross overs were taken back by AP (buy back!)

2. The output capacitors in the PM1 pre are also new which needs time to get settled.

Over all I am extremely happy with the following noticeable changes

- Dynamics (micro/macro)
- Real bass (no bhoom)
- No need to pump up volume (no power loss in passive cross-overs)
- Even very bad recordings sounds better than before (no idea how)

Two gain controls provided on the active pre for LF and HF which allows further tweaking.

If anyone is interested to do an audition, please PM me

Venu, could you share some more info on the isolation cones you are using on the wooden racks. I thought those were a really neat looking. Also the audio rack design is something really nice - very stable. Some close up pictures would probably do them justice.
Venu thanks for the information on the spikes. I also noticed that the form factor of the power amps seems to have changed - they look a lot bigger than the standard CPA3. Is that due to the new larger caps or has something else been changed?
Thank you Ramesh, Sunder and Vijai for dropping in yesterday. Also thanks Sunder for accommodating me at your place.

Time well spent with good music. We will have a detailed session some time later after I do all the tweaking.

Thank you Ramesh, Sunder and Vijai for dropping in yesterday. Also thanks Sunder for accommodating me at your place.

Time well spent with good music. We will have a detailed session some time later after I do all the tweaking.


Hi Venu, Ramesh and Vijai, It was my pleasure having you three at my place Venu - your All AP system just sounds magical !! I am already recommending AP to one of my friend :)
It is been a nice experience interacting with Sunder, Venu and Ramesh .

Sunder , i really liked your Vinyl gear and the Venu's new Bob Dylan record .Later in the evening i purchased the same album from itunes which was bad and other downloads of Vinyl rip/ CD flac from a closed community was better . However None of the digital download come even close to the vinyl playback. It is indeed a magic . I would have listened to that track aleast 50 times by now , if i had that record and the vinyl setup :-). Really there is some magic in the Vinyl gear and it is a special pressing .

Venu's all AP gear is really good with my fav AP DAC. During my earlier audition in Siva's place , I did not like AP speakers . However in Venu's house it was completely different experience and very enjoyable . It is like 'nothing i could ask for more' .We spent around 2 hours there . The time well spent with good music .

Thanks Sunder and Venu for the hospitality .
Venu's all AP gear is really good with my fav AP DAC. During my earlier audition in Siva's place , I did not like AP speakers . However in Venu's house it was completely different experience and very enjoyable . It is like 'nothing i could ask for more' .We spent around 2 hours there . The time well spent with good music

Thanks Sunder and Venu for the hospitality .

Hi Vijai,

Thanks. After you all left I too listened my TT for > 1 hour. This is not too bad with an entry level Debut III (compared to the Linn LP12 at Sunder's place). Things have changed a lot in last few months. May be the 6N2P tubes in my Lyrita phono broken-in a bit...

The DAC is one of the best money can buy from my experience. I have listened it against DAC/CD players costing many fold (Remyo, Capitol Aero CDP, Wyred 4, etc.) at different set-up including Siva's. Another important component in my set-up is the speakers! Excellent choice of Scanspeak drivers.

BTW, Sunder can improve a lot with room conditioning, speaker positioning and having a better digital source. I have listened the Weavers re-union concert 1963 in my set-up and it is completely different than what we heard at Sunder's place. It is much more detailed, dynamic & lively.

will meet up soon

Great going guys, I really missed yesterday to join the get together:o. I had to go out and Ramesh had invited me to join you guys. But next time sure will not miss the opportunity.
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Would have loved to join yesterday. Ramesh please ping next time.

Venu your visit to my place is due too for a long while :-)

A longer report with some more details would be great!
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Hi Vijai,

BTW, Sunder can improve a lot with room conditioning, speaker positioning and having a better digital source.

I recently gave up my CD player and moved top PC based source, since then I have been using Itunes on my Mac pro. Since you said itunes is not a good source yesterday I have set my windows 7 PC up with Foobar WASAPI. Downloaded some songs from HD tracks, but it was late night by the time I finished so could not listen properly. Will check it tonight.

BTW what is the buffer and bit rate you have set up ? When I played from foobar it does not play seamlessly it keep getting interrupted (it stops few seconds and again plays and again stops)
Hello Reinofchaos,

Last week event was not planned. I got a call from Ramesh to meet up at Sunder's place and later we all came to my house!

I will be busy the coming 3 week ends and we can catch up during the long week-end 15-16 Aug if you are OK.

I am also eager to listen your system and probably will bring the AP DAC too.

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