High Efficiency speakers

I am Lowther person. If you prefer fast transients, true to life midrange, vocals then you cannot go past Lowthers and electrostatics. You need room for these speakers. I second Kannan's advice.

5 February, 2019
I am Lowther person. If you prefer fast transients, true to life midrange, vocals then you cannot go past Lowthers and electrostatics. You need room for these speakers. I second Kannan's advice.

5 February, 2019
From where we can get Lowthers in India? Any idea then please let me know.
Three watts will even drive a 91 db speaker with an easy load. However there will e very little headroom. A lot also depends on your room size. There are useful on-line calculations available for matching efficiency and power. In my personal experience a 91 db speaker actually runs well with 40 to 60 watts on the tap. In the real world for 3 watts you need close to a 100 db sensitivity speaker to get good dynamics. That is why buying a 3 watt SET is cheap (and I love SET sound) but finding a suitable speaker for this is many times as expensive. I too have been on the holy grail of low power and high sensitivity, and could never find a satisfying combo that I could afford, and am now a happy camper with a medium/high powered amp and medium sensitivity speaker combo. However, the only way to learn is to go through it. Enjoy my friend!;)
I have 2-way bookshelf speakers with 6.5 inch drivers powered by a 5 watt Class A power amp.
My listening distance is about 6 feet from the speakers in a 10 feet x 17 feet hall (speakers placed along the longer wall).
An active 10 inch subwoofer compliments the bookshelf speakers.
Unlike full rangers, there insertion loss due to the passive crossover in the speakers and the speaker efficiency is about 87 (not very high in relative terms).

But I still find the dynamics more than enough for my needs of music. The speakers go loud enough with the preamp at 50% max.

I have a higher wattage power amp at my disposal (a 60 watt dual mono Class AB). But still prefer this one as I like its midrange presentation more.
It is more musical if I could put it that way.

So true 3 watt is more than enough, if your listening distance is not too far and the speakers are reasonably sensitive.

But still look at higher sensitivity speakers, if you are going with larger cone size. Look at 10 inch and above. If you have the budget, dig for the Alnicos
I drove my Rethm Saadhana with 1w amp in a 14*21 Ft room. Lyrita will suite the Rethms greatly.
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Rajesh, I do not know where to get Lowther speakers in India. There are posts guiding you to Rethm speakers.

If you wish to be a little on the frugal side, then, you may look at used pair of Acousta cabinets. There should be a few in India.

If you can build the cabinets or get them made locally using plywood, then consider Alfredo Horn. Have a look at post36 from me:



I used to run the Lowther Club for about 18 years. I have retired.

6 Feb 2019
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.