LG/Sony OLED buying group - Hyderabad


New Member
Nov 29, 2020
Hey everyone,

opening this thread to gather folks from hyderabad who are intrested in buying 65 inch oled tv this diwali. We can from a group and negotiate at max

Last year post diwali I bought CX for 1.85L with 7.5k cashback and extended warranty from Bajaj electronics which is the best price of CX last year. Hope we get the same deal this year. We can negotiate better as a group with atleast 5 people I already have @ajeetk with me Thanks
Hey everyone,

opening this thread to gather folks from hyderabad who are intrested in buying 65 inch oled tv this diwali. We can from a group and negotiate at max

Last year post diwali I bought CX for 1.85L with 7.5k cashback and extended warranty from Bajaj electronics which is the best price of CX last year. Hope we get the same deal this year. We can negotiate better as a group with atleast 5 people I already have @ajeetk with me Thanks
Interested as discussed over whatsapp
Hey everyone,

opening this thread to gather folks from hyderabad who are intrested in buying 65 inch oled tv this diwali. We can from a group and negotiate at max

Last year post diwali I bought CX for 1.85L with 7.5k cashback and extended warranty from Bajaj electronics which is the best price of CX last year. Hope we get the same deal this year. We can negotiate better as a group with atleast 5 people I already have @ajeetk with me Thanks
Just a query, did the 1.85L include the 7.5k cashback or was the final price 1.78L?
My 3 year old B7 65 just gave up partially with panel issues. So I am in the hunt for Diwali bargain for a replacement in Hyd. Please count me in.
3 years and dead, no warranty?
3 years 8 months to be exact. So no warranty. Funny thing is, they changed power board by thenselves once, without me complaning. Then they called one year later again to change it when I said No.this week little smoke came out from bottom right corner of tv and then horizontal lines on the side. Now visible lines on right side of TV and service guy said panel replacement reqd., which costs 1.3L. So i am trying to wait till diwali since its still watchable and get a new one. Though I still suspect the issue is caused by faulty power board.
3 years 8 months to be exact. So no warranty. Funny thing is, they changed power board by thenselves once, without me complaning. Then they called one year later again to change it when I said No.this week little smoke came out from bottom right corner of tv and then horizontal lines on the side. Now visible lines on right side of TV and service guy said panel replacement reqd., which costs 1.3L. So i am trying to wait till diwali since its still watchable and get a new one. Though I still suspect the issue is caused by faulty power board.
Damn this is scary, Electronics worth so much and such puny life.
3 years 8 months to be exact. So no warranty. Funny thing is, they changed power board by thenselves once, without me complaning. Then they called one year later again to change it when I said No.this week little smoke came out from bottom right corner of tv and then horizontal lines on the side.
Tell them they were the cause for the TV to get fried up as they did the replacement.
Tell them they were the cause for the TV to get fried up as they did the replacement.
I agree, that kind of money being let go to waste is not ok especially if the brand tinkered with the TV. I bought this 60k 8 years ago and now only do I feel it has paid its worth..I dont think i would buy something in lacs and let it die in 3 years, No Sir!

Just placing a note here requesting everyone interested to do a due diligence before getting into a group buy. While the OP is most likely to be straight forward and sincere, please keep in mind that he has been on the forum since Nov 2020 and has only 12 posts.


On the fence(between LG 65" CX and BX) at present, but interested to pick up one of them depending on price difference.

Currently being served by Vu Pixelight 65 inch (LTDN65XT800) with no problems, was an amazing bang for buck 3 years back from flipkart, but fallen in love with OLED black levels while window shopping.
Hey everyone,

opening this thread to gather folks from hyderabad who are intrested in buying 65 inch oled tv this diwali. We can from a group and negotiate at max

Last year post diwali I bought CX for 1.85L with 7.5k cashback and extended warranty from Bajaj electronics which is the best price of CX last year. Hope we get the same deal this year. We can negotiate better as a group with atleast 5 people I already have @ajeetk with me Thanks

This is not the best peice for 65 CX last year. Maybe they said so, so that you would buy.

Look at last year thread for the prices.
Last year Hyderabad Vijay gave unbelievable quotes. Many availed from this forum. I remember someone getting 65" for almost undiscounted 55" rates (1.55l). I even thought of the possibilities of adding fright charges and getting it to Chennai but was circumspect about the general handling of the TV by the logistics department. Last year was a great time to buy TVs.
Last year Hyderabad Vijay gave unbelievable quotes. Many availed from this forum. I remember someone getting 65" for almost undiscounted 55" rates (1.55l). I even thought of the possibilities of adding fright charges and getting it to Chennai but was circumspect about the general handling of the TV by the logistics department. Last year was a great time to buy TVs.
any idea if the Samsung 8k Qleds were going for discount? a friend wants to buy one.
Sony India have yet to launch Diwali Offers for their Tvs, Lg & Samsung have started but Sony still hasn't, arrogance i guess :rolleyes:
Sony India have yet to launch Diwali Offers for their Tvs, Lg & Samsung have started but Sony still hasn't, arrogance i guess :rolleyes:
Their only positive pricing measure is their 77" A80j OLED which they offer at retail price of Rs.5.22 lakhs (shopatsc) as against LG's 77" costing 7.5 lakhs.
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