Hi all,
Since I monopolised a room in the prospective house for a mini media room, what to put in the living room has become a big question in our parliament.
So, the starred question in the house is whether to put a good quality box set in the living room or a space saving modern wonder.
(They call this Vittu pidikkaruthu in tamil; and a kind of hindi thing would be the baazigar line)
Point being: She let me do my thing, and now wants her pound of flesh.
To be fair, she is the bigger music freak, and I did promise a system for the living room
I am only into Tamil film music, hip-hop and jazz, with a bit of classic rock and metal thrown in.
She, on the other hand, listens to all kinds, including classical of all regions, and her listening time is way, way, more than mine - if i had to put a figure - mine would be 30 mins a day to probably 60, but hers is easily double that.
I should mention here that the home minister has tasted blood -- my bad i took her along for one of my auditions -- and wants a Devialet now for the living room, as that would fit in. (I say living room, but please think of it more like a botany lab)
Should I indulge or work on a box set up? (doable)
Questions being:
1. Is it worth fighting for a proper 2.1 set up in this living room, or should I just fold my cards?
2. Cost:
a. I was thinking a proper set of 6.5" SEAS and RAALs plus a good amp. Which looks like a 5L venture.
b. She is thinking of the bigger Devialet, which should be around 3L.
(Room size: weird space; pic attached)
3. Has anyone owned a Devialet? What's your experience been?
Inspired by this lovely post:

Since I monopolised a room in the prospective house for a mini media room, what to put in the living room has become a big question in our parliament.
So, the starred question in the house is whether to put a good quality box set in the living room or a space saving modern wonder.
(They call this Vittu pidikkaruthu in tamil; and a kind of hindi thing would be the baazigar line)
Point being: She let me do my thing, and now wants her pound of flesh.
To be fair, she is the bigger music freak, and I did promise a system for the living room

I am only into Tamil film music, hip-hop and jazz, with a bit of classic rock and metal thrown in.
She, on the other hand, listens to all kinds, including classical of all regions, and her listening time is way, way, more than mine - if i had to put a figure - mine would be 30 mins a day to probably 60, but hers is easily double that.
I should mention here that the home minister has tasted blood -- my bad i took her along for one of my auditions -- and wants a Devialet now for the living room, as that would fit in. (I say living room, but please think of it more like a botany lab)
Should I indulge or work on a box set up? (doable)
Questions being:
1. Is it worth fighting for a proper 2.1 set up in this living room, or should I just fold my cards?
2. Cost:
a. I was thinking a proper set of 6.5" SEAS and RAALs plus a good amp. Which looks like a 5L venture.
b. She is thinking of the bigger Devialet, which should be around 3L.
(Room size: weird space; pic attached)
3. Has anyone owned a Devialet? What's your experience been?
Inspired by this lovely post:
Lifestyle® 650 home entertainment system of Bose
Is this worth to buy this system? or please suggest any up to this price.