Devialet anyone? :D

I think you should fold your cards for now..You have already had your way in earlier setup.. To continue that in future, you need to compromise for WAF now.
I never know when to quit, bro, but in this case I did. :D
She loved the way it sounded, it fits in whatever real estate we still have now, and it fulfills her requirements. (I think she is a basshead, but has still not come to terms with it. Then, the naim and sonus faber just flew out of the window.)
I pushh, I pushh, very aaard (motogp reference to Vale) but i came secundo. Good race :D
Devialet definitely has takers. People adore their looks (extremely polarising) and people love their sound. If it floats your boat, then why not? I personally find them overpriced for what they offer. I spent 2 weeks with them in stereo and my initial short term impression was - Oh Lord, they are amazing, mesmerising, TLC to the soul. Spending a few more days with them and I found issues with many things in there (though that happens with absolutely everything). But here there are some very apparent issues with details in music and as you mentioned you listen to jazz and some classic rock, you will notice it for sure. The bass quality though is something special coming from such a package and though I am not a big fan of the looks they did look like a piece of art in my friend's house. Which is a bonus.

If this is not your "serious/critical" system - I would say go for it. They have a very "crowd" pleasing sound and they do have a very impressive rocking the party vibe.

Now considering your Wife "wants" them - to answer your questions -

1. Is it worth fighting for a proper 2.1 set up in this living room, or should I just fold my cards? - ARE YOU MAD? Just fold, pour a glass of wine and enjoy the appreciation, support and peace.
2. Cost - There is no cost for brownie points. Save some money here and you will have to pay later, one way or the other.
a. I was thinking a proper set of 6.5" SEAS and RAALs plus a good amp. Which looks like a 5L venture - Mmmmmmmm....
b. She is thinking of the bigger Devialet, which should be around 3L - Use the SEAS & RAAL budget and get her 2 and run them in stereo and enjoy her smile.

Chander Sir, 50th birthday set up. Done! :D
But loved the way you told me to fold my cards. In the end, she didn't leave me any cards only. There is, possibly, one spot where we can plonk it in the hall.

@rshri also told me. But I dont ever fold without trying out all options.

In this case, her loving it so much, and me not having much mono options just made it a no-brainer.

Thank you, and wishing you a very happy New Year.
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I guess I don't think about these things because they don't apply to me.

If you need small,pretty then I suppose Devialet is okay. Personally I'd rather get a Marshall as a "lifestyle" product. The Devialets are too expensive for what they are.
Don't think any Marshall would put out this much bass at this price, tbf.
What Devialet do to achieve this is something i really wanna know.

For starters, what's their life cycle?
I think i am buying something that might, at best, last 2-3 years.

While I'm looking at something that will last probably 5.

Either way, sir, we should hang out. Please ping when you in Bombay next.

You are indeed abrasive, but I am 100% sure you will be fun to party with.

Catch up in 23?
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That thread is in relation to Devialet amps and not the phantom speakers. Also, are you planning for just one phantom speakers or pair?

I have heard the phantoms at whathifi show, they are definitely a great piece of tech. I did not have any negatives about their sound but at their price point, lot of options open up.

At the price point of one devialet, you can explore:

1. Full one box solution like Kef LS50WII
2. Powered speakers with separate source+preamp - Elac Navis, Rethm Arka & Acoustic portrait's Kavi actives
3. Traditional hifi - probably a fully Horn set-up from Lyrita maybe?

But based on the room dimensions provided, the space may not be able to do justice for most of these set-ups. Given your wife does like the Phantoms, why not go for stereo with Phantom reactors. They can even be connected to TV with optical. So could be sweet middle ground for both of you where you can still get stereo. Given their form factor and option for wall mount, should fit the space you have well.
Thank you so much, Swaroop Sir, for taking the time off.

Am getting the 98 dB Phantom II.

Stereos are a bit difficult to do in the room, it's full of stuff and plants.

I am looking at the wall mounts somewhere down the line. Am gonna try out different heights, and see.

Which reminds me: what's a great height for a mono phantom?
What brands have all-in-ones? Meaning truly PnP with the speaker, amp, dac, streamer integrated.
I think that's the right direction if it has to meet space/looks/simplicity requirements for OP's living room.
- Devialet (what triggered this thread)
- Naim
- Marshal

My 2 cents, let's not get into "this measures well", "that is pricey" arguments.

Thanks a ton, Raghu Bhai.
It was a close call. Among the three speakers I eventually shortlisted for the hall, the Phantoms were the only ones she has listened to, and both the Naim and Sonus were more expensive.

The search now goes on for a good pair of computer speakers.

Am really scared this piece wouldn't last beyond 2 yrs.

Am gonna go passive for all future purchases.

Maybe, I'll make her buy a good Kef when the phantom dies.
Off topic
Ignore - a last resort. :D

On topic:
Audio can be a lifestyle or a hobby. Let’s not pretend that we listen to music, if we are persuaded to listen to devices (by vested interest)
There are now hell of combination/permutations of price/performance. Through all these choices, measurements do enable one to choose wisely. It’s a different matter that we may have different taste either in music or aesthetics.
Love this response.
I know:
1. she spends about an hour there in the living room, and I do zero listening there.
2. There is only space for a mono.
3. Trust this wins points for future ventures :D
Enkay, my bro, big, big hug. Always on point.
its actually very good but only if you want an all in one with inbuilt speakers . If you want external speakers then the Unity Atom is great as a Source+Amp. I do suspect all of these use the same circuitry though.

The Divaliet has an MM/MC phono as well although in essence it converts it to digital at a very high sampling rate and then amplifies it hence it may not really be a truly analogue signal.
Thank you for the detail, Sir.
What is this analog+digi that Devialet touts as a selling point?
Does it make any difference?
(I still have a day or two before I put down the money)
So, feel free.
Fyne Audio designer are old Tannoy designers who moved out after its China acquisition. they have developed their own version of the Tannoy coincident Drivers

I do believe its a good option at a very good price here
What's the price here, sir?
And do they come in mono, or a single piece?
Don't think any Marshall would put out this much bass at this price, tbf.
What Devialet do to achieve this is something i really wanna know.

For starters, what's their life cycle?
I think i am buying something that might, at best, last 2-3 years.

While I'm looking at something that will last probably 5.

Either way, sir, we should hang out. Please ping when you in Bombay next.

You are indeed abrasive, but I am 100% sure you will be fun to party with.

Catch up in 23?

IIRC the devialets have some bass drivers with high xmax and power handling for the consumer/lifestyle product type. They are also using PRs I think. This is just from memory its been a while since I saw them.

I'm unsure of what you mean by life cycle. If you mean how long they will last, I reckon they should last a good long time.

Hardly ever come to Mumbai anymore, but sure.

Not really a party guy, more of a listen to music, watch stuff etc.

Catch me anytime just send me a PM, I don't chat or anything online but a few messages back and forth are always welcome.

As a side note I wonder why people think I am "abrasive". I am direct and factual. I have no patience for nonsense as is prevalent online ( and offline these days). As best as I can discern people like a lot of butter with their bread. I have no butter, just potatoes.
The thing is home.
Cons first:
1. Not the truest-sounding speaker I have owned. Struggles to reproduce tracks truthfully when they have a lot of bass and highs blended together. Like when vocals are layered over some heavy bass, you'd probably need a truer set up.
So, watch out, if that's your thing.

2. The asking price is obviously on the higher side of what a company thinks it can command for a mono that can do everything wireless. I'd love more companies to work on a mono/bluetooth that can do what this thing does at half the price.

3. One press of the volume control on the unit is at least a 6 dB increase or decrease to my years. Wish it were more like 3dB. But I guess, this is not something that can't be fixed with the app.

1. The bass claim is as true as it is on paper. The thing just belts out the LFs and belts out the LFs. I can feel them two rooms away. (at 85 dB; on a leisurely Christmas night, it felt like I needed to turn them down a little; I will try and push them up to 90 dB with only hip-hop just to understand their capabilities, but that's for another morning). Their bass reproduction is beyond the capabilities of any other speaker I have heard.

2. The big revelation is that the vocals and HFs are big and bold and true.
The HM, in fact, said she is for the first time hearing a trinkle in a song she has known from childhood.

The R&D that's gone into this is commendable. (Even bassy things like trumpets travel far and wide while sounding true - obviously, when they are the only thing on track, lest you be confused with point 1 above)

3. The dispersion is phenomenal for a single unit. It sounds the same wherever you are in the house! (Obvs, you lose a bit of bass if you are not in the sweet spot, but you feel the remnants irrespective of whether you are in the kitchen, toilet or two rooms away with shut solid wood doors :D)

4. It is TINY! Devialet markets it as small. But, bros, it is TINY!

Initial impressions:
Worth it for bassheads who want some trueness and good dispersion with just one small unit, and actually have a busy space that can take only one unit.

There are better speakers out there for half the price if you can research what you want.

I, for myself, am fully blown away. It suited my purpose (small footprint; big sound, fairly truthfully reproduced as we've knownit)

Regards and thanks all for the inputs.
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Comes with a global pin.

Draws massive power.

If you can sort the above, it's great for casual listening.

The bass is true, as advertised.
I, for myself, am fully blown away. It suited my purpose (small footprint; big sound, fairly truthfully reproduced as we've knownit)

I too have a similar requirement and contemplating two phantoms (98db) in stereo.

However, I'm worried about the serviceability of these in India.

Secondly, from what I've read online, Cabasse, another french brand offers similar speakers but with warmer sound signature. So I guess they might take care of the niggles you've highlighted while retaining the strong points.

I too have a similar requirement and contemplating two phantoms (98db) in stereo.

However, I'm worried about the serviceability of these in India.

Secondly, from what I've read online, Cabasse, another french brand offers similar speakers but with warmer sound signature. So I guess they might take care of the niggles you've highlighted while retaining the strong points.
From what I've heard, cabasse is nowhere in the same ballpark when it comes to bass.

I too have a similar requirement and contemplating two phantoms (98db) in stereo.

However, I'm worried about the serviceability of these in India.

Secondly, from what I've read online, Cabasse, another french brand offers similar speakers but with warmer sound signature. So I guess they might take care of the niggles you've highlighted while retaining the strong points.
Don't remember much about service in India.

But from what i remember, I don't think they are serviced here.

If my memory serves me right, seller told me that under the 2-year original warranty, it will mostly have to be sent to HQ at my shipping cost for any repairs, should issues arise. And that only defects will be covered, and not "wear and tear", whatever it means.

I also got the devialet care extended warranty pack, which covers one accidental spill (scariest scenario for me considering its form factor :D) for three years - replacement speaker will be sent at an cost of 20-25K with again, shipping extra at my cost.

Quality-wise, no niggles so far, touch wood. The base has been as advertised.

If you have space for a pair, they will blow your room away.
Don't remember much about service in India.

But from what i remember, I don't think they are serviced here.

If my memory serves me right, seller told me that under the 2-year original warranty, it will mostly have to be sent to HQ at my shipping cost for any repairs, should issues arise. And that only defects will be covered, and not "wear and tear", whatever it means.

I also got the devialet care extended warranty pack, which covers one accidental spill (scariest scenario for me considering its form factor :D) for three years - replacement speaker will be sent at an cost of 20-25K with again, shipping extra at my cost.

Quality-wise, no niggles so far, touch wood. The base has been as advertised.

If you have space for a pair, they will blow your room away.

Hi k, good to see you. Long time.

Also, if they blow your room away your room is much easier to "blow away" than mine.

That aside, good to hear you are enjoying them.

I trust after getting your system together the need for places like this has reduced?

All the best.
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