2024 I have attempted to make my wires neat. Converted all my commercial RCA cables to cables with ethernet twisted pairs. Repositioned few equipments within the rack, etc. I have kind of reached a good satisfaction level with the equipment and sound quality. Just need to explore super low frequency extension. 2025 I will now focus on making listening more comfortable, like using switches to switch amps, dacs, speakers, sources and body comfort when lying down and when sitting and reading comfort
I have tried sofa, chairs with cushion. For movie I find sitting, lying down, lazing on a foam mattress on the floor to be the most comfortable. It allows me to work late and take naps whenever needed. For music listening after trying many different combinations, I have finally settled on amazon basic zero gravity chair. The big advantage is that I can easily move the chair when I want to watch the tv. The issue with the chair is the neck support and foot support. Thinking of getting ottoman stool and some kind of cushion that fits the chair. Few things already on the way
1. Floor lamp besides my chair
2. Plenty of Pillows
3. Few headphone stands to hang my headphones neatly
4. Storage boxes from Ikea to keep cloth dust covers for equipment
5. automatic Room freshener dispenser
6. Table besides the chair to hold a proper glass to hold CH3CH2OH.
7. Mini Refrigerator
8. Hidden cabinet to store CH3CH2OH and hide it from rest of the family members.
9. Exhaust fan in the bathroom to expel smoke during breaks
10. Few more OK Google activated switches
11. Start using the kindle