301 plinth template

I have the one from Analog Dept which I have slightly modified to correctly fit the motor, as the motor doesn't fit 'as is'when printed to scale . It's printed on an A1-sized paper. I suppose I could go to a DTP shop and see if they can scan it.
Hi John,

There are quite a few templates floating in the net, but none of them are of correct size(some are close but not exactly as per measure). If u can provide a template that can be printed on 4 A4 size tracing papers and then taped together using the overlapping contours, it will be of a great help.

Best regards,

I have the original template that came with my Garrard, I can scan it and have it emailed you.

Thanks John. I suspect that you might have to go to a chap with a bed scanner. The print out bit I'll handle.

Many thanks again. You will have helped a friend restore the 301 with a 3012 SME arm.
I have the one from Analog Dept which I have slightly modified to correctly fit the motor, as the motor doesn't fit 'as is'when printed to scale . It's printed on an A1-sized paper. I suppose I could go to a DTP shop and see if they can scan it.

Appreciate it!
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