Below is my summary on watching a 3D movie
First 15 mins - Astonishment/glee inspite of dull contrast.
Next 10 mins - Curiously aware of the glasses : look at other audience's expressions to figure out if Iam the only one.
Next 15 mins - Discomfort in the nose due to wearing glasses. Reduced contrast and unnatural colours overpower projected images.
Next 15 mins - Very uncomfortable, try to watch the movie without glasses and fail, feel 2D version would have been better.
Next 15 mins - Headache, sweat in A/C (inexplicable), pain in the nose.
Next 15 mins - Headache, sweat, unable to concentrate on the film, ask other people is they are ok and get negative results.
Reminder - Wait for the movie to get over!!
With the above cycle, 'I' am not the target for 3D TV even with good contents. The simulated 3D (from 2D) content, I guess will be much much worse.
The movie was Avatar and the theatre was IMAX. So I guess 'presentation' is much better than 3D TVs of the world.
Had a 3D demowith a high end sony 3D LED, it was absolutely pathetic and nowhere close to even the bad theatre experience. Asked the salesman if this is set properly in disbelief and got an yes as reply. Can't believe anyone would buy the TV after having that demo.
3D TVs are not scams but junk. (In my perception)