3D TVs - do you really need them - an article.


New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Interesting compilation of reality vs hype on 3D TVs, on cnet

Now, I know there are many fans for 3D, this is for info for all, so don't flame me!
Few on my friends who are fan of 3D TV gone ahead and bought 3D TV now regretting on their decision. Main reasons were lack of contents and inability to move around when watching TV.
Unfortunately 3D is forced on people looking for good quality TV's.........so one might as well enjoy the limited 3D content once in a while.
In any case continuous 3D watching is not good for the eyes and overall health.
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I was one of early adopters of 3d TV. Wouldnt say I regret it for the feature, but to be honest I have watched a total of may be 10 3d movies in last 2 years on my TV.

As for the experience, it really is something for great 3d movies like Avatar and Life of Pi, but these kind of movies are few and far between. Moreover, most of the consumers like us feel its cumbersome to do the whole setup (putting batteries in the glasses, synching with tv and then wearing them for 3 hrs). So most of the times I watched 3d to showcase it to visting friends and families on their requests. Beyond that, I watched only few good 3d documentaries and few movies as mentioned above.

So I would not suggest anyone to buy a 3d tv just for 3d and recommend only buying a good tv; if 3D comes with it as a bonus (means without much additional premium) only then it is justified. Hope this helps others in making their decisions.
3d processing demands faster video processor. The price difference could come there.
But I doubt 2d PQ quality is same in st60 and s60.
I doubt that the price diff is only due to processing. The higher-end TVs come with the far better panels. Probably the manufacturers' ad agencies convinced that "seeing better quality - in 3D" is easier to sell compared with "better panel, pay more for it!"

Something like "Mother's Day", Father's Day, or as Ronald Reagan declared " National Ice Cream Day".

Next big ad-spends on TVs would be the 4k panels; 3D would have served its purpose.
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