A Brief Disagreement!

Terrific storyboard Showing How Weapons Evolved While Human Animosity Remained Primitive.

Isnt the animosity on full display in every second country on this planet today ? Some across borders or continents, others within the same country.

Its terrible.
Oops! Clicked on the wrong thread.
I thought this was about ‘Objectivity vs Subjectivity’
Or ‘CD vs Vinyl’
Or ‘Tubes vs SS’

By the way, while on the topic of animation and warfare, check out this incredible short. Pretty sure I’ve posted this before, but relevant here:


Isnt the animosity on full display in every second country on this planet today ? Some across borders or continents, others within the same country.

Its terrible.
It is on full display, also proudly promoted as the "right" way.
And anyone not taking any side automatically belongs to the "other side"
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