A very rare, sad and agonising condition


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
An English woman suffering from a rare condition known as painful hyperacusis says that everyday noises, such as her children’s laughter, her friends’ voices, and even music cause her paralyzing pain.

is there a disorder for everything ? thankfully for her and for him, the husband might not be an audiophile :)
is there a disorder for everything ? thankfully for her and for him, the husband might not be an audiophile :)
The irony is that “Normality” is not defined in most aspects of human existence. It is assumed, accepted that everyone “knows” or at least recognises this as a “normal” even though it is undefined. Any deviation from this nebulous state is perceived as “abnormal “ !

Disorders, specially debilitating ones are studied and scrutinised more for obvious reasons
An English woman suffering from a rare condition known as painful hyperacusis says that everyday noises, such as her children’s laughter, her friends’ voices, and even music cause her paralyzing pain.

She Could've been Hailed as a Super Woman a Motherly figure worth worshipping Because , She's able to hear the Paws of a Lion or Crouching Tiger from a Distance. Predict A Landslide or Avalanche before reaching the people's homes; She Could hear the Warrior tribe movements much before they could Ambush. If its a genetic disorder her kids could've assigned the same role for generations. Unfortunately we don't live in Jungles anymore, nor are we Nomadic nowadays.

Some Diseases could've been Boon in a different culture, or era of civilization. I'm not belittling her suffering, my sympathies for her in this noisy noisy world.
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