Acer H5370BD review from wirecutter.


Active Member
Dec 28, 2012
I did provide this link in the other thread, but didn't want to loose this review as it was very detailed and informative. so i took the liberty of copy/paste the content from the site and create a new thread.

:clapping: The credit should go Geoff Morrison from wirecutter. I thank him for such a detailed & unbiased review. :clapping:

If I were in the market for a $500 projector, Id buy the ~$450 Acer H5370BD. I base this on objective testing with $20,000+ test gear and side-by-side comparisons with the main competition. The Acer offers the best overall picture quality thats surprisingly comparable to our $1,000 projector pick (though its only 720p as opposed to 1080p), though the difference between several runners-up was very close.

Who am I to make this call? Ive been testing and reviewing projectors for over 12 years, and Ive used a projector as my main TV for over a decade. I was Video Editor and later Technical Editor of Home Theater magazine for seven years, and currently I review and write about projectors for CNET, Forbes, Sound+Vision magazine, and several other publications.

Who is this for?

This projector is for someone who finds regular TVs too small but doesnt want to spend too much money to get a massive image. It will also work for someone who just wants to project occasional movies/TV shows/games, perhaps on a wall. If youre new to the idea of projectors, check out Projectors vs. TVs: Giant-screen pros and cons.

The performance of the Acer is such that it can work perfectly as a budget home theater
The performance of the Acer is such that it can work perfectly as a budget home theater so long as youre willing to settle for 720p resolution. In fact, the only major difference in performance between this and our $1,000 pick is that our $1,000 pick has higher, 1080p resolution. Its one of the rare instances where saving 50% by going with the budget-oriented pick might actually be advisable for many people.

While most people would consider these projectors portable because of their size, they do not have batteries. That is a different category and really more of a novelty than something youd build a home theater around. These are AC only.

Why not a business projector?

Theres a near-infinite number of business projectors of similar price and roughly similar specs. Since were looking for something to watch TV and movies, its best to get a projector designed to do that. A business projector might be fine, but a projector designed for movies/TV is, in theory, going to have more natural colors and color temperature (more about these aspects in a moment). In other words, a projector made for home use should look better with movies and TV shows even if the on-paper specs are identical with a business projector.
What makes a good $500 home projector

For $500, youre able to get between 2,000 and 2,500 lumens of brightness. Well, at least claimed brightness. Always take manufacturers specs with a grain of salt. This much light output should be able to fill a big (100-inch-plus) screen with plenty of light in a dark room. More light output is generally better, though if it comes at the cost of contrast ratio, the overall image quality will suffer.

There are many models, slightly more expensive than those we included here, that offer slightly more rated lumens for slightly more money. Its unlikely youd notice a difference between 2,500 and 2,800 lumens, for example, and probably not even 3,000. All the finalists here offered staggering light output (more than projectors that cost several times the price). More light would be like buying a car that has a top speed of 200 mph instead of 225. Do you really care when youre not going to use either?

More light would be like buying a car that has a top speed of 200 mph instead of 225. Do you really care when youre not going to use either?
For instance, the Acer could fill a 150-inch screen and still be brighter than some more expensive projectors on a 100-inch screen. So would I pay $50-$100 more for a few extra claimed lumens? Nope. Overkill for all but the most extreme situations.

Since nearly all the projectors for this money include an HDMI input, I considered that a requirement. After all, what good is a projector if you cant send it content? An HDMI connection offers the most flexibility in this regard, allowing you to hook up a Blu-ray player, a media streamer, and even most laptops.

Most are either 1280 x 720 (720p) or 1280 x 800 resolution, so I considered 1280 x 720 a minimum requirement. There are a lot of 1024 x 768 projectors out there, but this is a bigger difference than it seems. Most of the content youll be watching on a projector (movies, TV shows, games) have a 169 (1.78:1) aspect ratio. With 169 content on a 1024 x 768 projector youre only using 1024 x 576 pixels. This means 589,824 total pixels versus the 921,600 pixels when using a 1280 x 720 projector (or the 169 portion of a 1280 x 800 projector). That 57% increase in pixels is going to be noticeable as more detail and a sharper image on the big screens these projectors can create.

Another must-have is a zoom lens. This lets you position the projector closer or further from the screen and still have the same screen size. Or, if you have a fixed location, it can make the image larger or smaller. It adds a bit of flexibility, which seems important in a portable display. However, most of the zooms in this price range are meager, at best. Many only allow a couple of feet or so from the closest to the furthest they could be from the screen. Still, every bit helps.

If youre willing to spend a bit more, the next jump in picture quality gets you 1080p resolution. More on this in the A step up section. The short version is, on the same sized screen, a 1080p projector will look more detailed than a 720p projector. However, resolution is just one aspect of picture quality. Spending twice as much does not get you twice the picture quality, especially if the only difference is resolution.

What else might spending more get you? Overall picture quality also improves, in addition to resolution. You get a little better color accuracy, a little smoother of an image (less video noise, almost like film grain). To get longer zoom ranges, higher contrast ratios and quieter projectors, you have to spend a lot more money. Check out the Epson and JVC in Best Projector, which are over $2,000.

How we picked

Of the roughly 40 possibilities, I disregarded those without HDMI, those with a lower-than-720p resolution, those over $500 with only a slight increase in claimed light output, those marketed as business projectors, and those without a zoom lens.

Using these criteria, I narrowed the field down to five serious contenders: Acer H5370BD, BenQ MW519, Epson 730HD, Optoma H180X and the Viewsonic PJD5533w. These projectors had the requisite resolution and brightness specs, were designed for home theater use, had lens zoom, and had at least one HDMI input. Since there were few (if any) reviews of these models, I got them all in for testing in my lab.

The top contenders were very similar, though there was a winner

Its worth noting that this is a category of products that has frequent turnover. Even as I write this, several of the models listed are scheduled for replacement within the next few months. Since there is never going to be a perfect time to review these, this is current as of the publication date at the top (or in the Last Updated box, whichever is more recent). As new models are released well be updating accordingly.

How we tested

All projectors had their UHP lamps (if so equipped), run for approximately 50 hours before calibration or measuring.

For subjective image quality comparisons, a Monoprice 41 splitter sent 1080i and 1080p video to all four projectors (the InFocus and Epson were left out, for reasons listed in their writeups). Images were aligned on screen. Using manual masking, pairs of projectors were assessed, and each compared to the Acer. This same method was then used to compare the $1,000 BenQ and the Acer.

Luminance (light output) measurements were taken using a Minolta LS-100 light meter, off a Stewart StudioTek 100 1.0-gain, 102-inch screen. Illuminance measurements were taken (as a cross-check) using a AEMC CA813 positioned approximately 8 inches in front of the lens in the center of the projected image.

Color and color temperature measurements were taken using a Photo Research PR-650 photospectrometer running patterns from an AVFoundry VideoForge.

Our pick

The Acer H5370BD won by having the best mix of performance attributes, few significant vices, and the ability to be calibrated to be very close to accurate. In fact, the only respect in which it significantly lags behind our $1,000 projector pick is in resolution the Acer is 720p whereas the $1000 BenQ is 1080p. This is one of the rare cases where going cheaper might actually be advisable for many people.

The most important picture quality attribute in any display is its contrast ratio.
The most important picture quality attribute in any display is its contrast ratio. Not the number on the spec sheet, but its actual contrast ratio. Check out Contrast ratio (or how every TV manufacturer lies to you) for why this is the case. Three of the contenders contrast ratios were so close as to be nearly impossible to distinguish with the naked eye.

The Epson was significantly lower, and as such was eliminated after this first test. The Viewsonic actually had the best contrast ratio, but as well cover, it had its own issues. The Acer averaged 2,157:1 which was actually third highest of the four finalists, but only a few hundred separated them, not a meaningful difference. (Though its interesting to note that it actually performed slightly better than our $1,000 pick, which averaged 1,952:1.) For comparison, the JVC we mention as an alternate in the $3,000 Projector article has a contrast ratio 16 times higher than the Acer (and is 7 times the price).

Light output is of special importance with projectors (more so than with TVs), as it determines not only how bright the image is but how big the image can be. In every case, the light output was exceptional, beating projectors many times their price. The Acer, BenQ and Optoma were all around 50 footlamberts (also ftL, a measure of brightness) on a 102-inch, 1.0-gain screen. This is brighter than most plasma televisions, and about equal to most LED LCDs if their backlight control isnt all the way up. On a 102-inch screen, in a dark room, 30 ftL would seem bright, so 50 is plenty. You could easily have a 120-inch-plus screen and still have a bright image, and it would probably be watchable and quite bright on a screen of over 150 inches depending on what the screen was made of.

Its important to note these numbers are with the image set to be accurate, as set by standards set forth by the governing bodies of SMPTE and others. If you are willing to sacrifice accurate color temperature, these projectors can be much brighter. Leaving the projectors in their greenish/blueish bright modes wouldnt have changed the ranking/results, however.

Color is where the Acer took its lead. While none of these projectors is accurate in terms of color, out of the box the Acer was closest to the most natural colors. Greens, especially, were more realistic. In addition, the Acer was the only projector that could have its color points adjusted to be nearly perfect. Such adjustment (also known as calibration) requires specialized equipment and a person trained to use it. Since I doubt most people spending $500 on a projector would then spend $300 on a professional calibration, I considered this calibration ability an added bonus. Check out What is HDTV calibration? for more info.

Its worth mentioning that there is a large group of people who share calibration settings on the Internet. I dont condone this, as each projector and screen is going to be different enough that one persons settings arent going to be the correct settings for someone else.1 But if you want to partake, be sure to find where the settings reset control is first.

The Acer is also one of the only projectors in this price range with two HDMI inputs (one of which is MHL, or Mobile High-Definition Link, meaning you can use a Roku Streaming Stick). The input lag is a low 33.1 ms, which means its great for gaming.

Past all these numbers, I sat and watched the Acer, along with all the others. Subjectively, the image was surprisingly good. Much like the Best $500 TV article, its shocking how good inexpensive displays have gotten. I found myself getting lost in a movie instead of testing (a good sign).

All projectors look better if properly set up, but the Acer even more so. Switching between the Movie mode and the User mode (the only mode you can adjust), found the former to be watchable, the the latter to be enjoyable. I highly recommend getting a setup disc, like Disneys World of Wonder, which will lead you through all the settings even if youve never pressed the menu button on a TV before.

The Acer (and a surprising number of projectors in this range) is also 3D capable. Pair it with a 3D Blu-ray player and a 3D Blu-ray, and youve got 3D. You can use any DLP Link certified glasses, which can be had for less than $50. The 3D effect is actually quite good, thanks in part to the brightness of the projector. Theres a fair amount of depth, and not a lot of crosstalk (the ghosting around sharp edges common with many 3D systems). Ive seen many projectors (and TVs) that cost a lot more than have far worse 3D performance.

Flaws (but not dealbreakers)

The Acer isnt perfect, of course. Compared to more expensive projectors, the contrast ratio is fairly mediocre. But thats not a major dig considering the fact that even spending twice as much wont get you an improvement in contrast ratio. For that, youll need to spend a lot more, like the $2,500 Epson 5020/5030.

The image is also a little noisy compared to more expensive projectors, but thats to be expected. Its on par with the other $500 projectors here.

The image is also a little noisy compared to more expensive projectors, but thats to be expected.
Like all projectors, the Acer makes audible noise due to tiny fans furiously trying to keep the high temperature and high pressure lamp from melting. In addition, because its a DLP projector, theres an additional high-pitched sound of the rapidly spinning color wheel. The Acer was much quieter than many small projectors Ive reviewed. You can hear it, definitely, but its too low to measure on a standard Radio Shack SPL meter. Audio Tool on my phone measured around 50 dB from about a foot away. This is a rough estimate of the noise level, mind you. Sitting near it, during quiet passages, youre going to hear it (just like any projector), but I doubt youll need need to turn up the volume to hear over it. Eco mode dims the image slightly, and reduces the noise slightly.

Theres no such thing as a silent projector, and to get one quieter than the Acer youll need to spend a lot more money. The Sony and JVC projectors mentioned in the A Good Projector article are quieter than the Acer, but also $3,500-$4,000.

The built-in speaker is all but useless. Unless youre right next to it, youre going to have a tough time hearing it.

Though there are extensive picture adjustment controls, the UI is buggy, often ignoring changes or overwriting your settings because of a random (and seemingly unconnected) button push. Hopefully Acer will release a firmware update to address these issues. Theyre more an annoyance than a real problem, but wow, were they annoying during testing. Generally, as you spend more money, projectors are easier to use, but this isnt a big deal, as youll likely only set them up once.

So because it had the best blend of contrast ratio, light output, and color, the $450 Acer H5370BD is our pick.

A step up

Also Great
$898 on Amazon
If you sit close to the screen
BenQ W1070
The Acer may show individual pixels if you're sitting close with a fairly large image, but this BenQ will make them less noticeable. Though it's not as dramatic as you'd think.
If you plan on sitting close to the screen (like 9 feet from a 100-inch screen, or a larger screen from slightly further away), and you want slightly better color accuracy (and are willing to pay over twice as much money for a projector) our $1,000 pick is better suited to your needs.

Normally I make great pains to explain that resolution is only one aspect of picture quality, and for most displays, not one of the more important ones. In this case, however, the answer is less clear cut. With the massive screen sizes projectors are capable of (and the Acer can create a huge image), youll almost certainly be able to see the difference between a 720p and 1080p projector. In fact, if the image is large enough (or youre sitting close enough), you might even be able to see the individual pixels that make up the image with the Acer.

I sit about 9 feet from a 102-inch screen, and switching between the two, the BenQ W1070 appeared slightly more detailed than the Acer. Its not nearly as big a difference as you might expect. On bright objects, I could just make out individual pixels with the Acer.

Is this a big deal? Well if the idea of seeing pixels keeps you up at night, then save up for the BenQ. Otherwise, the image the Acer creates is very good.

Or to put it another way, the Acer is not half as good, picture quality-wise, than the BenQ. The BenQ is an excellent projector for $1,000, but not twice as good as the Acer.

If youre curious about what resolution you might need, Wirecutter contributor Chris Heinonen has a great calculator. It should give you an idea what size screen, and from how far, 1080p starts being noticeable. Keep in mind, this is just one aspect of picture quality. Youre not getting twice the picture quality by spending twice as much on the higher resolution 1080p.

if you really care about picture quality, I highly suggest looking into our $3,000 pick for Best Projector
However, if you really care about picture quality, I highly suggest looking into our $3,000 pick for Best Projector, which offers much better contrast and color accuracy. The difference is dramatically noticeable and easily worth the money for those who really want to commit to building a cinema-quality home theater.

An LCD option (no rainbows)

Also Great
$595 on Amazon
For avoiding rainbows
Epson V11H558020
If rainbows don't bother you, we wouldn't suggest this LCD projector because of its flat, washed-out image.
Theres a visual artifact known as rainbows inherent in all single-chip DLP projectors (and basically all inexpensive DLP projectors are single-chip). Ive been writing about and reviewing DLP projectors since their emergence into the mainstream, and Ive found there to be 3 groups of people: those who cant see rainbows; those who can see rainbows and dont care; and those who can see rainbows and really care. The latter tend to be a very vocal minority.

Since most people arent bothered by this artifact, it shouldnt be a concern. However, if you know you cant stand rainbows, or it turns out after youve gotten a DLP projector that you cant stand rainbows, your only option in this price range is an LCD projector, like the Epson 730HD.

(We hesitate to go into detail on how to look for rainbows if you dont already notice them, since many people dont notice or care. Since the only way to tell if youre annoyed by rainbows is to watch a single-chip DLP projector, theres no simple way to predetermine who will end up being annoyed by them and who wont.)

What are rainbows? A single-chip DLP projector creates color sequentially; at any given moment, only one color is on the screen at a time. This is done fast enough that your eye/brain combines them into a full color image.

Most of the time, this works great. Sometimes, and for some people, there can be a rainbow-like trail to certain objects on screen. The most common occurrence of rainbows is a small bright light on a dark background, like streetlamps on a night highway (or subtitles). In addition to the bright object, theres an almost imperceptible rainbow trail.

Its important to reiterate that most people dont notice or dont care about rainbows. Unless youre willing to spend a lot more money, the non-DLP choices in this price range take a significant performance hit compared to the Acer.

The Epson 730HD LCD projector has incredible light output (up to a staggering 79.5 ftL on our 102-inch test screen), however, its contrast ratio is significantly worse than any of the DLP options: around 204:1, which is sadly not a typo (recall that our pick averages 2,157:1). This results in a very washed-out and flat-looking image. Overall, the Acers image looks far better. But if youre bothered by rainbows, the Epson at least will get you massive image for cheap.

Its worth noting that LED-based DLP projectors (like the InFocus) generally have much harder to see rainbows, but again youre stuck with much lower light output.

Why we didnt pick an LED projector

There is a small but growing sub-section of the projector market that uses LEDs instead of UHP lamps. In theory, these are great. They dont need replacing (rated for the life of the projector) and can use less power than UHP lamps. However, their performance is significantly worse than their lamp-based cousins. For comparison, our pick produces 50 ftL on a 102-inch screen. LED projectors of a similar cost are only 15-20% as bright. Most people would consider this dim. If you remember the massive three gun RGB projectors of old, theyre that dim. If you dont remember those, imagine watching a movie in a theater with your sunglasses on. Not literally that dim, but as a comparison between the brightness of UHP lamp projectors compared to LED-based PJs of the same price.

LED projectors of a similar cost are only 15-20% as bright. Most people would consider this dim.
The issue is that the projectors mentioned so far in this article use a replaceable UHP lamp (think expensive light bulb). After a certain number of hours (5,000 in the case of the Acer in Normal lamp mode, 6,000 in Eco), they need to be replaced. For the Acer, it costs around $150, a tidy sum when the projector only costs $500. Such is the price for high light output. Still, the Acers 5,000 hours of bulb life is 3.5 years of 4-hours-per-night viewing, so thats why we went with the Acer over any LED projector. Yes, there is a cost for use, but its small compared to the significantly better picture you get with a UHP-lamp projector.

If youre still uncomfortable with the idea of replacing lamps every 3-4 years, one LED projector, the InFocus IN1144, is in our price range and has the features we require (mostly). It has HDMI and 1280 x 800 resolution. However, its only rated at 500 lumens, and on our 102-inch test screen it produces 8.4 ftL. This isnt bright, dimmer than any TV youve seen in recent memory. However, if you dont like the idea of replacing lamps every few years, and dont mind sacrificing some screen size, the InFocus looks good otherwise. For example, if you project an 80-inch image, youll get around 13.7 ftL. Paired with a screen with some gain (as it in reflects more light towards the viewer, for a brighter image) it could be quite watchable.

Its worth noting, however, that the InFocus doesnt have any zoom, so it must be moved closer (or farther) from the screen for a smaller (or larger) image.

Still, if for most people, the Acer is going to be a better choice do to its significantly higher light output.

The Competition

The Viewsonic PJD5533w was nearly our winner. Its brighter than the Acer (by about 20%) and had the best contrast ratio in the test (by about 50%). Its colors, out-of-the-box, are actually a little better than the Acers out-of-the-box colors. However, when viewing actual video content, the image had significant smearing and strange ghost shadows with darker images. It was severe and distracting enough that I cant recommend it.

The BenQ MW519 was very similar to the Acer, but not quite as good. It is just as bright, and has a very slightly higher contrast ratio (2,681:1). However, its color isnt as good. Green was a little yellowish. The Acer looks a little more realistic because of this. Though its price fluctuates, for the month leading up to this articles publication, the BenQ was also $100 more expensive than the Acer. A new model, the MW523, is due by years end.

The Optoma H180X was also similar to the Acer and BenQ. Light output was roughly the same, but its contrast ratio is a little lower (1893:1). Like the BenQ, its color isnt as good as the Acer. Green was a little yellow and undersaturated (not deep enough). It was also louder than the Acer. Like the BenQ, the price has been $100 more than the Acer.

While both the Optoma and BenQ have color management systems neither work as well as the Acers does to dial in the colors.

The rest

When I said we considered everything, I really meant it.

Acer P1340W Has similar similar specs to our pick, but is more money.

Acer H6510BD Is out of our price range.

BenQ MW516 The claimed light output is only slightly higher than our contenders for more money

BenQ MW663 Seems to be discontinued. It is (was) a lot more money.

Canon LE-5W Has the same specs as our InFocus LED pick, but is a lot more money.

Canon LV-7292M Only has 1024 x 768 resolution.

Dell M110 Though cheaper than the InFocus, its even dimmer.

Dell M210X Only 1024 x 768.

Epson 707 Discontinued

Epson EX7210 This is only slightly brighter and is more expensive.

Epson 1261W In our range, but is a business projector.

Epson 710 HD The 730HD mentioned in the article replaces the 710HD.

InFocus IN116 Discontinued. The replacement, the IN116A, is due in January.

InFocus IN126 Too far out of our price range.

LG PA75U Similar to the InFocus, but a lot more expensive.

LG BD460 Only slightly brighter, but for more money.

NEC NP-L50W Another LED, but a lot more expensive than the InFocus.

NEC NP-V300W Is slightly brighter for more money.

Optoma ML300 LED, but even dimmer than InFocus.

Optoma HD66 Discontinued. The H180X reviewed in the article is the replacement.

Optoma DW312 A business projector.

Optoma W303 Is slightly brighter for more money.

Optoma TW631-3D Slightly brighter for more money.

Sony VPLDX120 Only 1024 x 768 resolution.

Sony VPLDW120 Listed, oddly, as WXGA, but 1024 x 768. WXGA would be 1280 x 800. Regardless, it has similar specs to our semifinalists but for a lot more money.

Sony VPLEX225 Only 1024 x 768

Sony VPLDX140 Only 1024 x 768

ViewSonic PLED-W200 This LED projector is dimmer than the InFocus.

ViewSonic PJL6233 Only 1024 x 768.

ViewSonic PJD6235 Only 1024 x 768.

Setup Tips

No display, TV or projector looks its best out of the box. As previously mentioned, spending $20 on a setup disc like Disneys World of Wonder will pay off significantly in terms of picture quality for this and future TV purchases. All those settings, like contrast, brightness, color and tint? The WoW disc will show you how to set them correctly. You can, alternately, set a TV up by eye, but a disc is way better. I always use a disc/test patterns to set up displays I review.

Since our pick is a 720p projector, I often get the question of what resolution to set a cable box, either 1080i or 720p. Well its actually pretty complicated and depends on a number of factors. Check out Set-top box setup: Which resolution is best?

The Acer has adjustments for wall color (as in, if you have a blue wall, it will compensate slightly for that inherent color shift). In a pinch this is OK, but for the best image, your best bet it either a neutral gray/white wall, or a screen. For the latter, check out Projection screen basics.

Dont use keystone adjustments! Its tempting to fix improper placement with keystone adjustments (electronically cancelling out a trapezoid-shaped image). All keystone adjustments reduce available resolution, as youre not longer using the entire imaging chip. Wasting pixels aside, youre also potentially adding artifacts like jagged lines due to the processing. Avoid if possible.
Wrapping it up

The Acer combines a decent contrast ratio, high brightness, good 3D, low noise and above-average color accuracy. Stepping up to a $1,000 projector primarily only increases resolutionwhile a big step, its not as big as the doubling of price would imply. While similar to several competitors, the Acer doesnt have some of their various vices. Since it has such well-rounded performance, the Acer H5370BD is the best $500 projector.

1. There is enough unit-to-unit variation that my picture settings wont be exactly right for your projector. Beyond the correct settings for things like contrast and brightness, there are personal tastes with things like gamma. I go into detail about this in Why I Hate Sharing My Picture Settings. With color temperature (and to an extent color points that are adjustable with a CMS), theres the additional interaction between the projector and the screen that is going to change what the correct settings are for your projector compared to mine. If you care enough to adjust your settings (and I hope you do!) start with the Movie or Cinema mode, adjust what you can by eye. But ideally you should get a setup disc. Theyre not hard to use. If you want as perfect a picture as possible, calibration is the last step. But the step from a correctly set-up projector (with a disc) to a fully calibrated one isnt huge (just color temp, and usually color accuracy). Jump back.
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