Advice on new TV? Anyone own a Panasonic TX-50HX580B? picture settings?


New Member
Jul 28, 2020
Swindon - Wiltshire - United Kingdom
Hi chaps

My mother has decided on a new TV, gonna collect this on Monday from Richer Sounds hopefully!
unless you guys reckon it’s not a good choice lol!

Can’t find much out about it, was £649 down to £549, grabbing one for £449 and hopefully 10% off with VIP Members discount, making it £404!
(I think they’ll price match it because it’s in Argos and Currys for this price)

its this one

Also wondered if anybody has this TV and has some good picture settings for it? How are you finding it?

if there are any other 48 to 50” screens you’d recommend, let me know.. her maximum budget is £500 MAX

she only watches the usual soaps, movies on Netflix and Amazon and Blu Rays
Just bought this tv. There appears to be a problem with fast moving action causing a blur around the object, not happy with it, been fiddling around with the pic setting to get rid of it but no luck so far...
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