Amazing price (floorstandspeakers) in


New Member
Sep 24, 2011
Seems too good to be true actually.
A friend of mine ordered a turntable from the same seller and they said they do not have stock and refunded the payment.
Maybe you can call them first and ask if they have stock.
^ there are quite a few negative reviews against cart2india!!! thats why i did not buy the BIC sub from them!!

google about cart2india reviews and then decide!!
Also I think the seller cart2india brings the stuff from US, hence the less price compared to Indian stuff. They have some bad reviews online especially on ebay India for not adhering to the orders.
One more thing you have to note is that most of the prices are for single speaker and not for the pair. For example the price for all Klipsch floor-standers are for a single unit. If its for a pair, they clearly mention that in the title.

These speakers are always sold in pairs. I feel it's unethical to list them as single pieces. A person not alert and careful enough, could end up buying a single piece and getting the shock of his life upon receiving a single piece instead of a pair :eek:
Unfair if speakers are not sold in pairs but almost always, studio (active) monitors and LCR speakers are sold in singles... so yes, watch out!
It is clearly mentioned as single except for that Sony as " pair". In any profx store you would definitely get 10 % minimum on MRP. I got my tsi400 for 26k after 10% off but here single speaker's rate is mentioned as 25k. Ridiculous .
These speakers are always sold in pairs. I feel it's unethical to list them as single pieces. A person not alert and careful enough, could end up buying a single piece and getting the shock of his life upon receiving a single piece instead of a pair :eek:

That is the whole idea. To fleece the consumer off his/her money, no matter what the means.
Thank god :-) i was tempted to buy the bic f12 from them, and had the good sense to read the reviews first :O :-)
Thank god :-) i was tempted to buy the bic f12 from them, and had the good sense to read the reviews first :O :-)

Check it on either or as some of the FM's have brought this sub from Amazon and were able to change the voltage settings for the US make. I believe the amazon was shipping directly to India.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.