AMP needed for Dynaudios in DELHI TODAY


Sep 27, 2009
I'm in immediate need of an integrated or pre-power AMP to run Dynaudio Audience 122's in Delhi.

Just bought a friend a Dynaudio speakers as a house warming present and they are sitting here looking at us, waiting for amplification.

We need something powerful, high current and musical. Please email or call 9867761109. Thanks
Patience is a virtue that help you find the right product at the right price.
Let it lie for a few days, slowly you will realize there is no hurry.

Are you looking for new friends :) , I am planning for a new house soon...;) will definitely invite you for house warming and will be ready with the amp.
@ Rise. Both the MF and the CA will Not be a match for the Dynaudio's. I was using a Dynaudio Audience 52 and was having a difficult time matching with a proper amplifier. I used a Cyrus ( just 50 or 60 watts) and it drove my Dyn's better then the Bryston ( 250 watts). Lots of end users recommend Naim and the Plinius for the Dynaudio.

How would the musical fidelity compare with the cambridge audio 840.

The Cambridge Audio 840 cant really drive the Dynaudios properly. I've tried it with the Audience 52 bookshelves and was unimpressed (not really a step up over the Marantz 7001 for those particular speakers)

I'd put down my demo experience with various amps for Dynaudio's here:
I've heard the dyn's with :

1. Plinius...Amazing but outta budget
2. NAD somewhat unimpressed
3. Tube Amp...Amazing sound at 40 watts
4. Cambridge Audio 640....Liked it specially when cabling was upgraded to nordost...
5. Primare way to bright and lost smoothness in the highs...

I used mine with the Azure a few years...Dealer who came by with Primare also felt they sounded better with the CA. Havent heard it with a 840 Cambridge and am now wondering if the XD circuitry doesnt sound right with the DYNS....

Would the Yamahas and Marantzs sound better than a CA with Dynaudios?

ALso any experience using sunfire with dynaudios in a 5.1 setup?

What would be the best option under a lac all in?

Read through your forum which really documents the options well but couldn't get much info on price....if you know of local contacts that have the suggested amps available please let me know.

Thank you
I'd originally heard by speakers with the Cambridge 640 v2 amp before buying tham and liked the combo. Not comparable to the Yamaha but still better than the 840. Take the conclusion with a pinch of salt as I heard them a few months apart.
Heard the 840 and it was very disappointing. Dealer says and anthem will work well. Any feedback on anthem for Dynaudio?
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