An Entry Level TT to Kill All Entry Level TTs

yeah, it's had some rave reviews and I first saw this on and it is slated to have features like USB, built-in speakers, etc.
This would be just what the doc ordered...if it delivers that is, for guys like me, who are eager to get on the vinyl wagon but without deep pockets!
u-turn + DIY CNC phono FTW
Any updates on U-turn TT? Seems like they have made a U turn on their plans to launch the product!
Recently in Sydney I saw a supermarket sell turntables at 100 AUD. Is that even possible? Was very tempted to buy just because of the price. But thought they may end up sounding like crap.
Is that even possible?
I'm sure it is. Remember, once upon a time vinyl was all we had, and playing it did not take a huge audiophile investment.

I'm not going to pretend that those decks of that time, with their 33/78 styli and ceramic cartridges would impress anyone today, but, at a certain level, TTs can be made dirt cheap. I recall an ex-gf, back in London about eight years ago, buying one such to listen again to her old singles. They sounded horrible, but, to be fair, that was due to the condition of the discs.
Why wouldnt it be possible? From whatever exposure DIY has given me, I have got the feeling that a lot of good audio gear could be priced much lower. Now I dont have any intricate knowledge of BOM to build a TT, but if they sold for much cheaper back then, they should be able to make it for reasonable prices now.
Vinyl gear like Royal Enfield Bullets are overpriced because the newfound demand for it.
There always have been expensive turntables. Just, there used to be cheaper ones as well.Even my humble Dual, at over 100 back in 1990, was not cheap, but neither was it "audiophile".

Now, vinyl is not a mass market any longer.
Exactly! The cost of the equipment and the media has shot up. For someone with a shoe string budget(like me) who wants to set up a vinyl rig is financially intimidating!
So, a good sounding 150$ TT would be manna from heaven. NO, I am not expecting it to match the Garrard 301s, TD124s of the world mated to expensive phono pre's, but be the vinyl counterpart of my Marantz CD6003.
I for one would welcome the advent a new entry level turntable. It augurs well for the future of vinyl.


The future of vinyl would see a better days if the recording industry moved back to analog recording while the older generation of recording engineers that had the expertise are available to pass on their skills to the newer generation. Otherwise it will just remain that slightly persistent but largely insignificant bump in market share for vintage products.


Sent from mobile on a crappy keyboard. Pls excuse typos.
An hour or so before my bedtime! I'm a night owl. Be surprised if you ever see me posting at 9.00am! :o

When duty calls....:lol:

What you are saying is unfortunately true

The future of vinyl would see a better days if the recording industry moved back to analog recording while the older generation of recording engineers that had the expertise are available to pass on their skills to the newer generation. Otherwise it will just remain that slightly persistent but largely insignificant bump in market share for vintage products.


Sent from mobile on a crappy keyboard. Pls excuse typos.
The material cost has gone up so high that it will be impossible for any one to offer a decent table for less than 10K. To make an entry level player of any old Japanese players of 80's today will cost anything more than Rs.20 K. Without mentioning brands, I was shocked to see a present leading TT manufacturer using cheap rubber band suspension on players costing Rs.30 K and the screws had already corroded within 5 years of manufacture. I have seen good Japanese players still working perfectly after 30 years! What I am trying to prove is that quality cannot come cheap these days
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