ArcamFMJ A19 or NAD356BEEDAC for Zensor 5


Sep 5, 2013
Kindly suggest anyone of these integrated amps for Dali Zensor 5. It would be used 40% for movies, TV watching & 60%music. Arcam is 50 WPC NAD is 80WPC & also has a DAC. Arcam is rated very high & is an award wining model where as 356bee has mixed reviews online,some even goes to say 326bee is better than 356bee very confusing. I just want the best synergy for my speakers(neutral sounding), Recently I made a costly mistake & went for an emotiva which just didn't work for me & ended up in a bright setup. I even realized for a 1500$ setup its better to stick to stereo than 5.1 for good quality sound.
Arcams are head and shoulders above NAD amps at the entry level. Have owned a NAD once upon a time and sold it within 6 months as I could not take the muddy boomy sound.
In my opinion NAD and Zensor will not be a good combination, Dalis are on the warmer side and NAD is regarded as quite warm.
As for Arcam it is a much better amplifier than NAD, but do listen to the combination before you part your cash.
Check Marantz PM7005/6005 too....if you can extend your budget then check Creek evolution 50a Super punchy,neutral, detailed and hell lot of tight bass
I heard Arcam once (it was the previous model I guess - A18). It was paired with one of the best speakers I ever listened to - Harbeth SHL-5. And the sound was divine. I would say the magic was created due to the great synergy between the amp and the speakers.

Now to your situation. As per the old saying goes, please audition, audition, audition. Please try to get a home audition of both the amps (Nad / Arcam) with your speaker in your home. Because just the speaker + amp will sound totally different in different environments. The pairing may sound phenomenal in the dealer environment and the same combo might just sound way different at your home. I also have BURNT my hands really bad in the past going by the reviews.

Since you are looking for a "small sized" integrated amp, please request for a home audition with the dealer. You should offer to drive the dealer from the showroom to your home, audition and then back to their showroom. I strongly suggest you try this.

Nothing can beat a home audition if that is possible.

My 2 cents.

After a lot of auditions, I recently went for arcam with dali...pretty good so far!
Neutral amp and Dalis (I wont call them bright) bring out the sound very well.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.