Are women immune to the hifi virus?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
While surfing various hifi forums from around the world I notice that most of the folks active on them are men in the 20-60 bracket.Where are the woman?
I am sure a lot of woman listen to music.My wife listens only to western/indian classical.But she has always preferred the radio to any other medium.BBC,Worldspace and now Squeezebox.
What do you think?What kind of set up would women be using for listening to music.Has Bryston,Naim,Arcam etc.etc.or the distributors/dealer's/forum's ever bothered to target women as a separate target market and tailored products to match their preferences.Bryston 3B SST in lilac,pale yellow or rosy pink?????
Oddly, (unless you are the vortex, of course ;)), the most expensive hifi tends to be the simplest in its presentation, with the fewest knobs to turn and settings to tweak, making it, in some ways, the least fun to the techie.
.My wife listens only to western/indian classical.But she has always preferred the radio to any other medium.BBC,Worldspace and now Squeezebox.
Hmmm... some people say that it is plug and play. To me, it certainly ranks as one of the more geekish bits of my kit. If something won't fully function without at least one google search, it's definitely geekish to me!
The Squeezebox is in action in the room furthest from the router.Frequent rebuffering required.We have a 5 year old Buffalo router with a built in modem.Would getting a g series Belkin(2800/-)or a n series Belkin(4200/-) improve signal?Apart from that its fine.
Mine's in the same room, and just about never rebuffers when playing from the PC, though occasionally does from the internet. I have an n-series router, which is great for the lpatop, and obviously well ahead of the squeezebox.

If you have the Duet, you can check out Diagnostics under Settings and see the wifi strength, on the remote. If not, I do not know how you can access this.
Most women like music. If a system can reproduce music beautifully, they will like it.

Their problem is with the following :

1.Complicated gear and technology. They do not see any value to it.
2.Boxes and wires filling up their living space.

If you have simple music system ( some of the best music systems are very simple) setup in a friendly way in your home, if the women has a taste for good music, she will love it. Music has an intrinsic quality to attract and seduce human beings. Women are not immune to it.
Oddly, (unless you are the vortex, of course ;)), the most expensive hifi tends to be the simplest in its presentation, with the fewest knobs to turn and settings to tweak, making it, in some ways, the least fun to the techie. Hmmm... some people say that it is plug and play. To me, it certainly ranks as one of the more geekish bits of my kit. If something won't fully function without at least one google search, it's definitely geekish to me!

Well - mine is not the most expensive hifi in any case, Thad :)
Women in most cases not only dislike audio video on a big scale they often go to the extent of blocking the making of a full fledged entertainment room and i think very often men give in. :sad:

Most women like music. If a system can reproduce music beautifully, they will like it.

Their problem is with the following :

1.Complicated gear and technology. They do not see any value to it.
2.Boxes and wires filling up their living space.

If you have simple music system ( some of the best music systems are very simple) setup in a friendly way in your home, if the women has a taste for good music, she will love it. Music has an intrinsic quality to attract and seduce human beings. Women are not immune to it.

but..but..but - square_wave -

why are all of them paranoid? - and why do they scream so much?

regds suri
but..but..but - square_wave -

why are all of them paranoid? - and why do they scream so much?

regds suri

Women will scream whenever they see no rationale in what their hubby is doing!
1.Grown man crawling on the floor adjusting speaker angle to the millimetre :sad:
2.Playing short bursts of the same song all afternoon (otherwise known as testing cables) :mad:
3.Large cables resembling reptiles in their living room.:mad:

If one can harmoniously fuse music, gear into ones life they will succumb. Keep it simple but make sure it creates heavenly music !

The system should be easy to use for them too. Keep them in the loop. Let them know this is hobby which keeps you off other vices ;) but let them not know the prices :indifferent14: Do cable testing and fine adjustments to the setup when they are out shopping..etc..etc.... :rolleyes:
If one can harmoniously fuse music, gear into ones life they will succumb. Keep it simple but make sure it creates heavenly music !

hehehe square_wave,

and possibly caress (the dunlop tires on ) their waist as one would one's python cables?

regds suri

EDIT -a dangerous thing this - this love for audio equipment (with exotic names) -

you go to sleep - and in R.E.M. sleep - you say aloud - "VEENA ULTRA - I Li OVE YOUR SOUND- I LOVE THE WAY YOU FEEL" -

you are talking about ultra-high end speaker cables -

but you dharm-patni thinks otherwise!

and next morning-

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I'm sure that's a comfort to Mrs Vortex ;)

After the acquisition of your new box though, I think you can outdo many of us on knobs and settings! :cool:


But I have stopped making adjustments though, just in case you are curious. I have tuned the system to compensate for room correction and that is that.

Should I add 'as of now' ? :)
Women scream when the center of attention shifts away from them.Loosing out to another another woman would be within the realm of their understanding.But loosing out to an interconnect or a cable is really piling on the humiliation!
hehehe square_wave,

and possibly caress (the dunlop tires on ) their waist as one would one's python cables?

regds suri

EDIT -a dangerous thing this - this love for audio equipment (with exotic names) -

you go to sleep - and in R.E.M. sleep - you say aloud - "VEENA ULTRA - I Li OVE YOUR SOUND- I LOVE THE WAY YOU FEEL" -

you are talking about ultra-high end speaker cables -

but you dharm-patni thinks otherwise!

and next morning-


Good one :)

I can imagine if one's object of adoration is this one...

or even worse
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