Audiometry and Hearing for audiophiles- My perspective


Active Member
Oct 10, 2014
Being an ENT surgeon and a Diy audiophile, I always wanted to stress the importance of calibrating our ears first before we judge any gear..

Here is my intro on The science of hearing with respect to audiophiles.

I will try to add more whenever time permits..

Audiometry is the procedure to assess the hearing status of an individual across all audible frequency spectrum.It is done by presenting pure tones of various frequencies in Gradually increasing intensity. The person who undergoes Audiometry should indicate the moment he hears the tone ( at minimum volume).. and it will indicate his hearing threshold.. It is generally agreed that 15 dB is Considered normal threshold.
In a ideal scenario the Audiometry should be a straight line across all frequency. ( just like we ask for a full flat response!). The pure tone average ( value given at the result) is taken as the average of these thresholds at 500hz,1000hz and 2000hz these denote speech frequencies and are generally sufficient for clinical Estimation...

But, as regards High frequency,there is a gradual slope of high frequency ( means the minimum threshold of hearing will not be 15dB but may be 30 db.)as age progresses .High frequency loss usually happens in Factory workers and noise exposed conditions.. ( Hence the rule of wearing ear protection)..

For us audiophiles, the qualities like sibilance, presence,tonal timbre etc all are concerned at frequencies above 2k.. And so, Before you judge any equipment, we have to make sure our microphones ( ears) are calibrated properly!.. A person with sloping hearing loss will Sense lack of timbre and tonal accuracy.. For them even the best amplifier with flat frequency response on the laboratory will not sound lively..
And here comes the most important part...If there is a difference in the Hearing sensitivity between ears - we lose stereophonic perception...This may explain why some people claim 3D like audio and while others feel nothing out of same system...

Is there a way out of it?
Yes,there is ,But it may not be accepted by many..
The inclusion of multiband Graphic equalisers ( constant q) and Balance controls to achieve stereophonic effect to counterbalance Inter ear difference.. One has to use it in the source and achieve his desired Level of audio entertainment. say for example, If one has a high frequency loss, let him feel free to tweak his equliser and give a boost for the lost high frequency ( he will then have flat response customised for his ear). It is unwise to discard a gear or change cables without understanding this basic hearing principle.
Excellent point! This also underscores the significance of measuring our system. Measurements give us an insight into what our system/room is doing. Once we have a solid understanding, it becomes easier to make adjustments to balance and fine-tune our system to our subjective tastes.
Our ears can become unreliable for various reasons, making it difficult to achieve consistency. Without data, it's akin to shooting in the dark.
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Thank you for sharing @tnvijay. From DIY perspective, one of the main reason for not going for the Eq and Balance Control is not availability of the quality design. While there are hundreds of designs available for the preamp and amp (say, in, not much designs available for (or with) multiband Eq or Balance control.
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