Auditions in Pune?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
In Pune for the weekend, and as you generally do when you visit another town looking for some demos. Any recommendations based on recent auditions ?
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If you are in town today, we are meeting at svaze's place for a small listening session. Would be fun if you can join us. :)

We'd be listening to his Quads
Thanks Swapnil for the hospitality and it was great meeting you Sarang and Sandeep. Hopefully longer listening session next time. Vinyl is good ??
It was a very good experience listening to Swapnil's setup. One of the best TT experiences I've had outside of a demo room. And Swapnil is a great host.

The Quad11L paired surprisingly well with the NAD C356. the real surprise was for the first time the B1 sounded flabby. It mated really well with the Marantz 7001 but with the NAD there was noticeable boom.
B1 is transparent by design, it exposed the difference between the moving parts, Marantz and Nad.
B1 is transparent by design, it exposed the difference between the moving parts, Marantz and Nad.

Indeed. Can't fault the B1 for sure.

However I guess it was the pairing that had something to do with it. As we listened to some of the same content afterwords with the entire NAD chain NADs MDC DAC + Integrated. And it sounded a lot cleaner. I guess someone like you/om could shed some light here.
Good going guys! I was nearby but busy with driving duty for better half and company.
Please post about the chain of euips for both the setups.

Technics TT with some exotic cart (svaze please fill here :p) -> Pearl2 Phono -> Pass B1 -> Marantz PM 7001/NAD C365BEE

Laptop -> NAD MDC Dac -> NAD C356

Speakers were same in both the cases. The sweet little Quad 11Ls which I am in love with.
Oh that exotic cart... (Swapnil please allow me) is the legendry Denon DL-103, which has taken away peace of my mind since last three months, after listening to Swapnil's cart on Om's setup I got it through my friend from US after using it for five days the cntilever broke, and the graet Amazon seller took it back and returned money, I again ordered from ebay, it is with customs since last one month.

If the main-in was used in both the amps the. It comes down to the power amp sections of both the amps. Did you try pearl2->Nad line in?

I am also a quad lover, I almost bought 12L2, but was sligtly out of budget. They are silky smooth.
Oh that exotic cart... (Swapnil please allow me) is the legendry Denon DL-103, which has taken away peace of my mind since last three months, after listening to Swapnil's cart on Om's setup I got it through my friend from US after using it for five days the cntilever broke, and the graet Amazon seller took it back and returned money, I again ordered from ebay, it is with customs since last one month.
Sorry to hear about your ordeal mate, Swapnil narrated that to us.

If the main-in was used in both the amps the. It comes down to the power amp sections of both the amps. Did you try pearl2->Nad line in?

I am also a quad lover, I almost bought 12L2, but was sligtly out of budget. They are silky smooth.
No, did not try bypassing the B1, that should be a good experiment. BTW, I stay at stone's throw from Swapnil's place and that also means from your workplace, so trying this out should not be too far away :p
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