Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experience


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2009
Hi All,

I tried out the Audyssey DSX surround mode on my AVR...I had a 5.0 setup already, so borrowed a pair of bookshelf speaker (Sonodyne Sonus 1501) from my friend for a weeks time.. Hence wanted to share the experience with you all...

Before trying out Audyssey DSX mode,i did read up some articles about Audyssey DSX mode... Per Audyssey they recommend front wides before you could go front heights.. Simply put you need to add speakers in between front left & Surround left and vice versa for the right....

Audyssey also recommends that these front wide speakers are placed @ 60 degrees from the listening position.. & at least double the distance of center to left speakers...

Here is Panaroma shot using my mobile :p ... Not sure if it is good..

Components used : Onkyo TX NR 818 (7.2) AVR, Sonodyne Sonus 2605 (Front left & Right), Sonus c2401 (Center channel), Sonus Rears Dipoles (Surround left & Right), Sonus 1501 BS (Front wide left & Right), HTPC (With around 3 TB of movies & Music), Harman Kardon DVD Player (DVD 23), Sorry no Sub-woofer....

Speaker positioning : Sonus 2605 Fronts was 2 ~ 3 feet away from center channel speaker, so i placed the Front wide left & right approx 6 feet away from the center speaker (In the corner of the wall) & angled @ 45 degrees firing straight to the listening position.... (pics below)




Audyssey MULTEQ XT32 Calibration : Audyssey recommends that if you add any speakers, it is better to run the room calibration again for optimal performance....So i did run the 8 point room calibration again... I crosschecked using a a measuring tape & the results were ACCURATE :clapping: ...

Speaker settings : After i finished the the above calibration, surprisingly Audyssey detected Sonus 1501 BS with 40Hz lowest freq.... But as per specs from Sonodyne, the speaker is rated only down to 70Hz...Anyways i left it like that....Also enabled Audyssey MultiEQ & Audyssey Dynamic Volume....Since there was no Sub-woofer, it set my fronts to LARGE.... (Pics below)




Experience with Other Surround mode expansion modes : I have used Dolby EX, Dolby Prologic IIx, Dts Neo :6 surround modes earlier on my older 7.1 HTIB.. I used these modes for expanding the 5.1 surround on my DVD for my surround back channels....

Before i move to the listening experience, i would like to detail about Onkyo Pure Audio mode.. I use this mode by default on the AVR for music as well as

Onkyo Pure Audio Mode : This function defeats the bass & treble settings, overrides all the crossover settings enabled on the AVR...Presents the sound as it is (or) very close to the source file being played...Basically treats all your speakers full range......

Now the listening experience.....

Gladiator...File size around 25GB - Sound track DTS 5.1 @ 1536 Kbps....
Very good movie with a nice action scenes....Opening scene was very good....the action sequence where rusell crowe meets the emperor @ the Colosseum...... Huge sound-stage at the front....Plenty of details on the front wide speakers that i haven't heard in 5.1 listening mode (Pure Audio mode) :thumbsup: ...

Avatar - File size around 47GB - Sound track DTS HD Master Audio (5.1) @ approx 4000 Kbps...
When the hero Jake sully with group of colleagues enters in to the Pandora for the first time where he encounters different creatures & makes an escape...There was very good level of details.... I have never heard such details when listening on the Pure audio mode...I was extremely impressed :thumbsup:....

The Grey - File size around 30 GB - Sound track DTS HD Master Audio (5.1) @ approx 3000 Kbps..
The scene when Liam Neeson with his colleagues are right in the middle of the big pit in the night with fire sticks in the hand to keep the wolves away.... I could hear lot of wolves noises in the background.. These effects actually sounded faint when watching this movie on Pure Audio Mode... Excellent :thumbsup:

Thuppakki (Tamil) - Flie size around 10GB, Sound track DTS 5.1 @ 1536 Kbps....
Fantastic sound-stage when the introduction reel with credits goes on....

I played many more movies to quench my thirst with this surround mode (Frozen, Inception, white house down & Unstoppable.....) Will be planning some more until i return the speakers to my friend....

5.1 DTS Music CD's

I did play some DTS 5.1 music discs... THese were of some tamil movies (Manmadham, Ghajini, Vettaiyadu Vilyadu..) I dont know for some reason, they sounded horrible on both Audyssey DSX & Pure Audio mode :sad: .... May be very poor recording quality.... They sounded very shrilll....

Unfortunately i didn't have any DTS HD Master Audio Music content, couldn't check out.....

5.1 Music (Multichannel PCM)

The Beatles - Love - DVD-A 5.1CH 96Khz, 24Bit - I Don't listen to english albums much..... Juz tried it because it had good 5.1 content...Very nice listening experience...

Queen - Night At The Opera - DVD-A 5.1CH 96Khz, 24Bit.. Same as above...

When an action scene was playing, i continuously toggled between the Audyssey DSX mode & Pure Audio listening mode to evaluate the difference. It was very evident when my wife requested me to play the movie in Audyssey DSX mode where the dialogues were clear with superb levels of details....I too felt the same...

Here are some of my observations after checking out Audyssey DSX mode...

-> Introduction reel of the production houses before the movie starts sound big... (Ex : 20th Century Fox, Walt disney pictures, Universal pictures....)

-> What sounds faint (or) whatever sounded faint @ moderate listening volumes on the front left & right channels are extracted by front wides when using Audyssey DSX mode and you can hear the details pretty good on them.

-> Dialogues (or) any special effects played on any channel using the Audyssey mode is very clear.... I felt like DSX cleans the signal like 10 times & then plays it on the channels...

-> Whatever sound-stage you would get @ 80 - 90% of the volume on the Pure Audio mode of the AVR, you get the same sound-stage @ less than 50% of the volume and it is subtle yet dynamic..... Usually we wouldn't push that much of volume unless & until you have dedicated HT room.....In a living room the chances are far less that you will play that loud volumes... Here is where Audyssey does an excellent job....


Am extremely impressed with Audyssey DSX mode with Front wides :yahoo: ....The sound-stage is excellent, elevates your listening level, will make you an movie addict :ohyeah:....

Have planned to let go off my Sonus 2605 soon & get 2 pairs of Sonus 1501 BS :ohyeah: .... This way i stand to benefit for both stereo & 7.0 mode....Will soon be adding a sub-woofer too...

My AVR has preouts for Front heights as well...I am thrilled to try Front heights also with Audyssey DSX mode using additional stereo amplifier.....

Thanks for reading.....
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

Thanks elangoas for sharing your experience in details.I certainly miss Audyssey in Yamaha AVR.
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

thanks for sharing your experience. i can see how much u r excited right now :D

Good luck !
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

Thanks elangoas for sharing your experience in details.I certainly miss Audyssey in Yamaha AVR.

Thanks Spirovious....understand....Audyssey is definitely a very good feature to have in AVR....Yamaha uses its own YPAO & Pionner use MCACC

For now only Onkyo/Denon/Marantz use Audyssey in their AVR's... That too in their top of the midrange model & high end models..I think it will become a standard feature of any 7.1 AVR in near future....

thanks for sharing your experience. i can see how much u r excited right now :D

Good luck !

Thanks Nero9.... Yup...I juz finished watching two movies today... BTW my friend has given me an additional weeks time to return the speakers :ohyeah:
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

Thanks Nero9.... Yup...I juz finished watching two movies today... BTW my friend has given me an additional weeks time to return the speakers :ohyeah:

ohh god save tiruvallur LOL :D
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

Nice review.

Although you may be confusing some of the features of Audyssey Room correction with DSX. The cleaning up of front speakers + vocals + hearing details even on low volumes is Audyssey Room correction + Dynamic volume feature. The room correction in your receiver is XT32 which is the best from Audyssey. You would get it whether you have DSX on or off. DSX only deals with expanding the Height/Wide speakers.

Your receiver has Neo:X. Can you try that as well and see how the effect of extending soundstage works? Also, there are couple of movies which are 11.1 Neo:X matrix encoded. I believe these are Dredd and Expendables 2. If you put Neo:X on those bluray tracks, you will get 11.1 channel out after re-extraction.
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

Nice review.

Although you may be confusing some of the features of Audyssey Room correction with DSX. The cleaning up of front speakers + vocals + hearing details even on low volumes is Audyssey Room correction + Dynamic volume feature. The room correction in your receiver is XT32 which is the best from Audyssey. You would get it whether you have DSX on or off. DSX only deals with expanding the Height/Wide speakers.

Thanks for the clarity Manoj... I assumed it was a combination of all of Audyssey technologies together which made the difference....

Your receiver has Neo:X. Can you try that as well and see how the effect of extending soundstage works? Also, there are couple of movies which are 11.1 Neo:X matrix encoded. I believe these are Dredd and Expendables 2. If you put Neo:X on those bluray tracks, you will get 11.1 channel out after re-extraction.

Sure...Would try them with Neo:X and update by next weekend... Hope i need to enable Audyssey Dynamic Volume + DTS Neo:X
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

OK.. I had returned the Sonodyne BS to my friend... Now using the 5.0 mode...

I have been using Audyssey Dynamic EQ + Volume for stereo sources.....Here are some observations...

For DTH listening thru AVR : It sounds really good... The sound is a lot clear.. Defenetly an improvement over standard listening...

For movies rips <1GB file size (2.0), it makes the dialogues whole lot clearer

MP3 @ 320 Kbps...What sounds muddy in normal listening mode (Pure Audio) sounds good

I think Onkyo should have given a remote button to toggle between Audyssey Movies & Music settings....Make life lot easier...
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

I completly missed this post. I might have as well dropped by at your place for a quick demo. Good to see you are out of your comfort zone (Pureaudio - Direct mode) and enjoying the improvements offered by Audyssey!
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

I completly missed this post. I might have as well dropped by at your place for a quick demo. Good to see you are out of your comfort zone (Pureaudio - Direct mode) and enjoying the improvements offered by Audyssey!

Sure.. You are welcome... Am planning for a change over of my front speakers (Sonus 1501 with Sonus 2605) & add Front wide speakers permanently...So if that happens, will keep you posted.. You can come over...

For listening to regular stereo from PC, am still using the Pure Audio mode...

For movies, TV Broadcassts, Youtube videos am now using Audyssey....
Re: Audyssey DSX (7.0) surround expansion mode using Front Wide spks -Hands on experi

While the world is moved towards atmos, I finally ended up with wides after toggling between other two modes for so many months. With Neo X, I didn't hear anything from the wides from the two movies watched so far. DSX is another world and enhanced movie watching experience.
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