Avatar 3d


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
Hey Guys,

Is Avatar (in 3d) blu ray print out? Where do I get it (if possible) ? Or is it just the normal 2d Avatar and we upscale it to 3d?

Avatar 3D version was not available through retail market. They had an exclusive agreement with Panasonic and they gave it away free with Panasonic 3D starter kits and 3D Bluray players. Whatever you see in the market is the people selling their own copies in aftermarket, usually for higher price. It was quite in demand because it wasn't available otherwise.

The exclusivity contract with Panasonic ended Feb 2012. So after that it should have become available in retail market. But so far, there is no word from Fox studio when they plan to release the 3D edition.
well the thread starter is seeking a 3D bluray, downloading it illegally online is a different matter all together...none the less if one is ready to pay the exorbitant price the option is there...but i guess the studios will release a 3D version officially soon.
Avatar 3D version was not available through retail market. They had an exclusive agreement with Panasonic and they gave it away free with Panasonic 3D starter kits and 3D Bluray players.

Yes, my friend got Avatar 3D with Panasonic 50 inch plasma TV. It is not available in local market in India atleast.
I may be the only one of this opinion but I don't really enjoy watching movies in 3D. I prefer the conventional 2D versions more with exact picture settings and no glasses to wear. Avatar looks very good on a 2D BluRay.
I feel the 3d movies released in the last 1 year are turning out to be a phase of some sort..I mean there have been some movies in which the 3d Rendering was pretty lame and more of an eye sore and not all movies have to be in 3D everytime..

Untill 3D is improved tenfold there s not much sense in many of the 3D movies made as of now.. only a handful I feel have been rendered sensibly
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