Ayon Amplifiers


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
I am seeking opinions on Ayon amplifiers as I am considering either the ayon triton stereo (int.) or monoblocks. I have spent some time listening to the monos. and they sounded excellent - to my ears - almost SS like with right amount of tube warmth thrown in. What do the esteemed members here think? System - Ayon cd2s - Lamm Ll2.1 - (amp) - Harbeth shl5.
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Yes I agree with your words. I had ayon oriyon amplifier it is the basic version of their kt 88 versions. Previously I had el34 based mono blocks and rcayin kt 88 based amplifier. Difference between them kt 88 based was more like of tube signature. In kt 88 built quality between cayin ayon is neck to neck fight. BUt the ayon is the winner. The sq of ayon was much better than cayin. Very neutral mid segment and good extreme of both hf and lf. In a minimum 15x12 audio room ayon amplifier is a killer product. To sum up Built quality and sound quality dynamism with full remote Ayon is top. Unfortunately I had to part with them due to renovation of my old home fearing will get spoiled. ONe more draw back I felt in general tube amplifier is It takes minimum 15 minutes to give away its orginal signature of sound.
I have heard only the Ayon Spirit 2 amp at Vasu's place. It is a very clean sounding and musical amp. It is way ahead of the two Cayin amps I have heard at a dealer (SKS Traders, Kolkata), as CLEARCUT is also mentioning. My one - very tiny - gripe is only about its slightly thin tonality than I would ideally like. It could be also because of use of cables, or the source used, but when we switched to some other IC cables (from Siltech to VDH, if I remember correctly), we had a bit better results. My personal view (with limited experience) is that with tube amps the effect of power cords is more pronounced and a better cord generally contributes to better bass, better dynamics and fuller tonality. BTW, with my recent experience in tube rolling, these small differences also could be due to the particular vacuum tubes used.

Thank u, But the og tube and power cord itself more than enough. I felt. Bec I had more varieties of El 34 tubes. (still retain two pairs of mullard el34) The tube supplied by Ayon is more than vfm. So after my home renovation I put an ad in wanted column of our hfv no result.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.