Benq HT3050 - flashing Red LED for Lamp


Active Member
Feb 20, 2015
Few months before (6 months ) I got a refurb HPT3050 with 10 Lamp hrs from benq direct. It all worked fine till yesterday, when while watching movie (20 min passed), it suddenly went off and started flashing green power LED for 5 secs and then LAMP indicator started flashing RED. I powered it off for few secs from the power outlet and then started the projector. It worked fine for few min and again repeated the same thing. I then powered it off form the outlet completely .
As of now it is ceiling mounted with proper ventilation and is not heavily used every day (so far 110 hrs in 6 months). It is connected via > wall power outlet > voltage stabilizer > powerstrip > projector. It worked fine for 110 hrs so far not sure what happened. There was no pop sound and it still shows display on the screen. I have not enabled High Altitude mode from the menu.

Now need your inputs in diagnosing the issue and advice further.

Update 1:
Also interesting thing happened the next day - I powered it on and it worked fine as if nothing happened for next whole movie. So now not sure whether it was just a blip in current or something big. Should I get it replaced? As benq said they shall replace it with refurbished one. So what you all recommend - go in for replacement or wait and watch?

Update 2:
Next day I noticed another thing.. Projector repeated the same red lamp LED blinking cycle and then it came back online after few secs. I checked service menu and there were no failures except one abrupt power shutdown flag. Is it due to sudden blip in my powersupply ? As of now the Projector is connected this way > wall power outlet > stabilizer > powerstrip.(i hope this is ok)

Update 3:
While i wait for sending the unit to the benq, i still have apprehensions of whether the other refurb unit, that benq shall send will have similar issues.
So today after upgrading the power line input to online pure sine wave ups, the projector repeated the same red lamp error. It came back online after few secs. I went inside service menu and saw no error on lamp or any other place except a flag on Abnormal power shutdown section, just like last time. I am in India now and have to wait a while to get this unit shipped to benq. Hence relying on experts here to understand what might be the culprit here.
Add to this ..right from day one 1 noticed that benq lens in out of focus and blurred towards bottom right corner. If i try to make to clear by adjusting the lens focus etc the other part of screen becomes blur no matter how much I try. I though of ignoring it but then my friends too saw this easily visible blur. The lens looks clean but looks like h/w alignment issue and cannot be fixed unless i open it . I may be wrong but i tried all possible adjustments, including keystone and projector reset. No Luck.

Looks like i got a lemon this time.

Let me know your thoughts here.
If there was an abnormal shut down, then it could be lamp issue. Lamp could be failing. Better to get a replacement.
I had the same problem (blinking light) a few months ago. The DLP chip had some dust accumulated on it. The service center guy cleaned it and everything has been working fine.
I Own the same Projector, I use 20-30hrs a week. Use a blower to blow the dust from the sides to clean the dust, I had this issue once , I have been doing it quarterly since then, Never faced that issue agin:

Do you have an UPS for powering the projector ? if not, get it. It helps in case of fluctuations and abrupt shutdown.

Don't take Lamp hours seriously, it can be reset easily to make it appear less used, change the Lamp if the issue repeats consistently after cleaning.
Thanks Guys... you might be right. Yesterday only i got a online pure sine wave ups thinking that it might be a power issue. But the issue repeated yesterday itself despite it was 900w UPS. Now my questions is:
I spoke to benq center here and they said : i need to bring it to them for checking. Would it void US warranty ?
As i already spoke to US benq and they already issued a return RMA number and said they shall replace it. But my biggest hurdle is how to send it to US.
Weigh in your options. If it gets expensive to ship and get it back, then the local service center might be a better option. Not to mention it would be speedy if done locally. Warranty from abroad becomes useless as most manufacturers do not respect it in India if bought from abroad, especially if they have a distribution over here.
Thanks Guys... you might be right. Yesterday only i got a online pure sine wave ups thinking that it might be a power issue. But the issue repeated yesterday itself despite it was 900w UPS. Now my questions is:
I spoke to benq center here and they said : i need to bring it to them for checking. Would it void US warranty ?
As i already spoke to US benq and they already issued a return RMA number and said they shall replace it. But my biggest hurdle is how to send it to US.
If you didn't have UPS before and the projector shut down with a power failure or low voltage then it may cause an issue with the lamp. Anyways one option is just buy a new lamp (not sure how much they cost, my previous Epson lamp cost $150), and replace it yourself.
Thanks Tuff n Sid for more insights. It is showing the behavior both before and after UPS treatment. This lamp error showed up when there was no power issue and i live in apt which has conditioned power but possibility cannot be denied. So i shall visit the local store and get it checked for both LAMP LED and Lens alignment issue. From the site the lamp costs $200 and is pricey.
Thanks Tuff n Sid for more insights. It is showing the behavior both before and after UPS treatment. This lamp error showed up when there was no power issue and i live in apt which has conditioned power but possibility cannot be denied. So i shall visit the local store and get it checked for both LAMP LED and Lens alignment issue. From the site the lamp costs $200 and is pricey.

If you have an Invoice go to Local Benq Service Center, Benq honors international warranty for Projectors (Don't know about Refurbs), Our FM @srikar2011 should be able to help you, Contact him.
Lamp would cost around 15k in India AFAIK, but in case of warranty you can bargain on that aspect. Shoot a mail to Benq US if you don't get adequate response from Local Service engineers.
Yes benq provides international warranty within 2 years, serial number on the back of the device serves the purpose
I went to local benq Center f1 solutions today. They said it would be considered out of warranty. Not sure if it is due to fact that it is refurbished unit. Can you help me confirm the same. I have asked them to let me know issue before replacing the part. Sending it to US is pain and parts here are very costly. So if they repaire it under warranty it would really help.
Also I just got mail from benq and they said no international warranty. Hence I have to either get the unit repaired locally or send it to US for replacement (which is more tough now). Any ideas / experience/tips on technicians at F solutions bangalore ?
So I got it checked from benq few weeks back. Guy said there was bit of dust n no other issue. Also unit is now working on UPS . So far no issues and things working fine without the error. Just fyi for fellow members
So I got it checked from benq few weeks back. Guy said there was bit of dust n no other issue. Also unit is now working on UPS . So far no issues and things working fine without the error. Just fyi for fellow members
:) See.. I told you..LOL! Glad it worked out. How much did they charge for cleaning?
:) See.. I told you..LOL! Glad it worked out. How much did they charge for cleaning?
1000. yes you were right. One more interesting thing i observed is after getting pure sine wave UPS .. i see input power to ups is very high like 247-250v and the o/p by UPS to projector is 230v. Looks like it is good to have UPS for sensitive equipment.
So I got it checked from benq few weeks back. Guy said there was bit of dust n no other issue. Also unit is now working on UPS . So far no issues and things working fine without the error. Just fyi for fellow members
Glad to hear that it was simpler than imagined ; but I should be careful as my benq is from US as well. Its a good projector overall!
Yes .. Now i keep it covered using a paper shopping bag :) as it snuggles it nicely. They are the most fragile piece of electronics that you have in a HT setup. And yes they demand a dedicated room which is ultra Luxury for most of us. For the Benq service center part..they are pretty nice fellows to deal with and shall try their best to fix the issue for you.
If you have an Invoice go to Local Benq Service Center, Benq honors international warranty for Projectors (Don't know about Refurbs), Our FM @srikar2011 should be able to help you, Contact him.
Lamp would cost around 15k in India AFAIK, but in case of warranty you can bargain on that aspect. Shoot a mail to Benq US if you don't get adequate response from Local Service engineers.

Sorry for digging up an old thread but I saw your posts regarding international warranty on Benq and I am planning to buy a projector on my upcoming visit to the US. Can you tell me if you have any experience or source where they have honored it? My decision for brand will be based on this as I can easily pick a Benq projector over Optoma etc.
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