Best 32 inch LCD (1080p) Within 40000?


New Member
Apr 2, 2011
Will it be Samsung or Sony? Please suggest a good hd connection to go with it.
Go for the latest cx42 or cx52 series if the price difference is not much. These are 2011 models with x-reality engine contrary to the previous models which sport BE3. Practically i dont know the diff. between the two when it comes to image processing. But to be safe, it is always wise to stick to the latest ones...

Apart from the above, the cx series comes with MP4/divx playability and ethernet/wifi (dongle is sony specific) support. Though it recognizes only certain codecs which come under the MP4 frame, still it is better than the old ones which equips only mpg1/2 formats...
Go for the latest cx42 or cx52 series if the price difference is not much. These are 2011 models with x-reality engine contrary to the previous models which sport BE3. Practically i dont know the diff. between the two when it comes to image processing. But to be safe, it is always wise to stick to the latest ones...

Apart from the above, the cx series comes with MP4/divx playability and ethernet/wifi (dongle is sony specific) support. Though it recognizes only certain codecs which come under the MP4 frame, still it is better than the old ones which equips only mpg1/2 formats...
What are the costs of the above mentioned models (cx42 and 52)?
What are the costs of the above mentioned models (cx42 and 52)?

Sony india has only launched the 46" version of CX520,the 32" version costs 26k to 27.5k and 40" version costs 43k in grey market.

The CX420 doesn't have the xreality and other features but it plays more media formats and according to some users in this forum its supports NTFS partition.

Strange that the higher end models support lesser video formats and only FAT.
^^ yeah very strange ex520 & 720 (led-lcd & higher end) didnot even recognize my ntfs partitioned hdd,leave out playing anything,....while i took demo of sony models!
32cx420 does play various sd & hd video formats(.mp4 & .mkv) from NTFS hdd's,but cannot however read external subtitle files(.srt,.sub,etc) & also it doesnot support dts audio!

so decide what u really want & make the informed purchase!
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