You have asked a question that millions have asked and are still asking. If you have read or watched
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (a most wonderful experience both ways, if I may say so), then in the movie, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn
the Answer to
the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer,
Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7 million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be <
I won't say ... it will be a spoiler>.
Deep Thought points out that the answer seems meaningless because the beings who instructed it never actually knew what the Question was.
Anyway. Without adequate parameters such as budget, technology prefrence, watching habots/end use, viewing distance, features required (Smart, 3D), viewing angles, etc., it will be unwise to answer. For instance, I could say that the LG 43LM6690 is the best TV but I would be instantly flamed by sharp calls of anguish and anger, perhaps even counter curses.