Hey guys. Slight update. Tried biamping the PSBs with a Class AB power amp and my Crown XLS2502.
The AB amp was driving the HFs and the Crown was handling the LFs. My chain was like this:
DAC -> Preamp Controller (Onkyo AVR) -> Tube Buffer -> RCA Y Splitter cable -> Taking signals to Two Power Amps -> Speakers.
I could get the setup to work but the mid bass was very muddy and the bass became very loose even though it was the same Crown which was driving it (It is very very tight when Crown drives the speakers full range)
So, this is how the speaker measured when John Atkinson reviewed it on Stereophile back in the day. Since the Crown comes built-in with DSP which involves LPF, HPF and BPF (Pass Filters), I was wondering at what frequency to set the LPF on the Crown so it just drives LF and not worry about HF.
As per spec, the crossover from the bass drivers to the midrange should be around 500Hz, but with LPF set at this frequency, it took away some of the essence from the mid bass. So I bumped it up to 600 and was playing around in steps of 30Hz, couldn't get it to work. Can someone look at the graph below and suggest a crossover frequency?
View attachment 37876
Or I assume, it was just plain gain mismatch but the Crown has input attenuators and I was playing around with it, no fruition however.
Can someone help me why this is the case? Is it because the Crown is a class D and the other amp is a class AB? I am a neophyte when it comes to biamping and I would love some insight. I was also reading about using an AC voltmeter to measure gains from both amps or something of that sort.
My intention to biamp is to see if I can repurpose the Crowns for LF to give me the headroom I need while a sweeter sounding class AB to give me good HFs. With this arrangement I am hoping to not spend a lot on a high current class AB for now. If the biamp route does not work, I will however look into a beefier AB amp however. FM
@dheerajin runs his chain in a biamp setup, I would love some clarity on this.