On 13th evening my Tv got fixed. It was quite an hassle. Here are takeaways:
1. Panasonic call center should not be used beyond booking the complaint. They have no idea of what is happening to the compliant and are an utter waste of time. They make a whole lot of false promises and handle lack of knowledge with bluffs and white lies.
2. Get the number of personnel who visits your place for first inspection which will happen within few hours of booking the complaint. From that personnel also get the address and numbers of his office (in specific case get name and mobile number of his "boss"). His boss will know precise status of complaint.
3. After inspection the call will go for approval to local Panasonic branch. In my case an idiot named Nagraj handled it. Mr. Nagraj called me stating that since it was a repeat problem for the serial number, he will not order the part. He was wrong and after I proved that he had a field job with me. I just hope that he learnt his lesson and that he will not behave the same with any other customer again, at least not in that kind of language. Threat of facebook and blog can straighten such twisted men esp during festival season.
4. Once the spare part is ordered. You will have to wait out the transit period - in my case Chennai to Bangalore. If you're in touch with the "boss", you will get updates on demand.
5. Once the part arrives it usually is a quick fix - my part arrived at 3PM and TV was up and running by 6PM.
Last but not least I must say that I've been very lucky to have 2 year extended warranty because my purchase date was 24th Sept 2011, the problem surfaced on 7th Oct 2012 and fixed on 13th Oct 2012.