Budget DAC


Active Member
Jun 23, 2011
Dear friends,

I want to buy a good quality Budget DAC

1. Nuforce UDAC2

2.HRT Music streamer II

Please advice which one is better

Actually i want to buy a new one, but If any one willing to sell please PM me.

what is your expectation from a dac? do u want to use in portable app or in home audio?
HRT streamer is good, but I have had several issues with it. For now I am blaming it on my laptop as HP really suck when it comes to quality. I think it has now percolated to compaq as well
Hi anm
Thanks for replying.
I have a dell desktop i3 processor/ windows 7 / 64 bit/no dedicated sound card
connected to Corsair sp2500 2.1 speakers.
By adding a DAC will it further improve the sound quality?
Listening to FLAC files is my next wish.
Dude, save some bucks. Buy a Cambridge Audio DacMagic and be done with it.

If you want, buy it from me. Less than a month old :P

Hi Vasistha,
You have just changed from rDAC to CA DAC magic,so why do you need to change?
@ Isoton- Zero DAC will be available online say ebay.com
Hrt streamer might be better - Only US$ 150 for base version ,but ONLY FOR USB

BTW I have Zero dac and quiet stisfied with it.
Hi, hemant,

Zero dac cost and where did you purchse it. give some review of the product.

Hi, Vasishta.Sushant sent you a PM.

If you want, buy it from me. Less than a month old :P

I guess I am currently in the phase of trying new things. Somehow I am still not convinced. I'll probably be selling the avianos as well. Eyeing the usher 718 now.

Complete makeover is on the cards.

Ha! Somebody keeps telling me I spend too much :p

Confession: I'm thinking of the BE-718 too. Right now, I can't afford it, or the amp it will need. So just today, I was looking up info on the X718. I wish there was an end to this. :(
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