CDP for NAD - Paradigm TitanCombo


Active Member
Apr 2, 2008
Looking for a budget CDP for parents to use. The current setup consists of a

1. Headless music PC controlled by an iPad -> Foobar iOS Remote plugin.
2. Maveric Audio TubeMagic D1
3. NAD C326 BEE
4. Paradigm Titan monitors

The primary reason for the CDP is my parents have a bunch of CDs I am too lazy to convert to FLAC. We keep accumulating CDs and the perfectionist ripper that I am, I cant rip them all.

Budget is around 20K.

Over to the experts :)
sasta.. tikaaoo..simple.. Marantz CDP 5004 from the forum ( esp if only CDP and no USA / mp3 etc.. ) or maybe Marantz CDP 6004

Thanks mpw, will see if I can get a home audition for the 5004, will also request FM brajendu to loan his 6003 for a while.

i wonder how the tubemagic d1 tube output compares against musical fidelityy m1 dac

Haven't heard the MF M1 personally but have heard similarly and better priced DACs and I am pretty sure the MF M1 will wipe the floor clean with TubeMagic D1, no contest.
Looking for a budget CDP for parents to use. The current setup consists of a

1. Headless music PC controlled by an iPad -> Foobar iOS Remote plugin.
2. Maveric Audio TubeMagic D1
3. NAD C326 BEE
4. Paradigm Titan monitors

The primary reason for the CDP is my parents have a bunch of CDs I am too lazy to convert to FLAC. We keep accumulating CDs and the perfectionist ripper that I am, I cant rip them all.

Budget is around 20K.

Over to the experts :)

NAD C326 is a great amp, and it will go very well with a NAD CDP. Not a bad idea to try one assuming NAD must have fixed their dreaded CDP transport problems, by now.
Thanks viki and reubensm I'll see if I can audition the C515BEE. I got a quote of 21.5k for the same so was a little reluctant if its worth the extr 4 premium over the 5004.
Thanks viki and reubensm I'll see if I can audition the C515BEE. I got a quote of 21.5k for the same so was a little reluctant if its worth the extr 4 premium over the 5004.

If available at around 17-18k then C515BEE makes sense otherwise not worth the 4k premium, IMHO.

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.