cheapest mp3 player available in india


Active Member
Jan 22, 2008
hello, can anyone point me to the cheapest mp3 player available in india - especially in bangalore, if possible.

along with suggestions, appreciate it the capacity could also be mentioned.

appreciate the help.
In my last visit to native, I bought a portable speaker/mp3 player/fm radio/ with built-in mobile battery, that supports USB/microSD/AuxIn for Rs.425. Its unbranded chinese one.

Similar ones are available in ebay for around Rs.1000/- But check them in local market.
The Philips Go Gear is pretty decent. Not the cheapest but excellent for daily use and last upto 5 days on full charge for me..I use it with Panasonic HJ E120E ear canal headphones to good effect..
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got a china Shuffle for 150Rs , played a lott for jogging .

One fine day got bored and pulled the battery and all and never re-assembled!
Something like :

It was well built with 6hour backup,just pop in SD card u can listen well . But shuffle is actually a serial playback and forgets all if u power off :D hhaha
Hey guys, thanks a lot even i was looking mp3 but in low range that's good one up there in the forums, but can you suggest some more at-least i can have a look on that too and can compare with others.
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