I came across couple of composite to Component converters available which converts a composite video signal to either RGB or Y, Pb, Cr analog component video. These are having display resolutions of 480i or 576i.
How good or bad are these upconverted signals. Do they increase color saturation or improve image quality? Or are they more hype and less substance. If its very good and if can be further upscaled to 1080i or 1080p in the recently popular 4k UHD TVs like VU / SONY / LG etc. then why would i even required a HD set-top box or a 4k uhd receiver (as there is anyway no 4k content available).
Does this make more sense as a device as i can watch everything in full HD. I am asking this as a novice and do not have much information about these stuff hence am asking. Experts pitch in and advise.
How good or bad are these upconverted signals. Do they increase color saturation or improve image quality? Or are they more hype and less substance. If its very good and if can be further upscaled to 1080i or 1080p in the recently popular 4k UHD TVs like VU / SONY / LG etc. then why would i even required a HD set-top box or a 4k uhd receiver (as there is anyway no 4k content available).
Does this make more sense as a device as i can watch everything in full HD. I am asking this as a novice and do not have much information about these stuff hence am asking. Experts pitch in and advise.