Denon x1700h Samsung tv - Tv audio volume , using 4k high-speed HDMI arc


New Member
Dec 29, 2022
My Denon X1700H gives good volume when watching YouTube videos via Amazon 4k firestick volume at 30. Firestick connected to the avr HDMI input1.
Playing music using USB drive inserted in the front of the avr also gives good volume at 30.
Scope streaming box connected to the avr input hdmi2 also gives good volume at 30
Avr internet radio TuneIn , Am Fm radio, Amazon music all working good at volume 30. Except my TV Audio....

My problem is watching free to air tv on my Samsung tv and listening the audio through the avr via TV Audio input option.
TV and the avr are connected using the ARC on the TV to the eARC on the AVR using high speed 4k HDMI cable.
I can't hear anything at 30 to 50 volume. I have to increase the volume to 60 to 70 to hear the tv Audio , but it will be very faint.
As all other inputs are giving good volume at 30 to 40 and only the tv audio is impossible to hear at this 30 to 40 volume.
I can hear very good volume of free to air tv programs without the avr through the tv speakers at tv volume 15 to 20.
I am sure some will be able direct me to how to resolve this TV Audio issue.
Thank you for your advice.
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