To Begin with I agree with others that 3D and HD are not really SMART TV features... but to what the OP was trying to put through is .. are all these added advantages really necessary.. to which my reply ll go like this..
Au contra-ire..mon Amis, to think smart features are not a necessity but an advantage.. just like internet @ its advent was not deemed necessary by all and considered just as an every person who wants to work from home using secure tunnel says otherwise, or for even every moms necessity who dares to let go of her child who's in a far of land or even in a different state in the same country away from home for the first time
All I am saying is if Smart TV s are well appreciated (like they are).. then very soon a common household will be having IPTVs with all the basic browsing features added & mounted which aid any mundane task which will be a necessity in the near future from online purchases (Which I hope will decrease commuting mostly & save time and avoid pollution) to Kids monitoring using the ip Webcam from anywhere and also VDO calling etc etc... etc... etc..
So .. We are just in the transition ... brace yourself and be patient..
Eg 1: In 1997 or so.. when my cousin was using a cellphone that set him back about 35-45 k(If my memory serves me well).. I was like 'Are you out of your mind!!!!' and now look @ me
paying bills, solving issues @ home from work and watching movies on the bed.. and music on the can.. apart from being reachable(telephonically) anywhere I go..
Eg 2: 2 yrs ago when i started using a 15 Mbps line my folks said I was crazy .. now they VDO chat with my brother, cousins far away while I game, browse and download all the crazy stuff i want.. without cribbing nagging me to stop dloading etc... Advantage/Necessity for me(After a long day @ work i need to blow some steam ..
) a necessity for my folks
P.S: 3D now is just a transition.. soon spectacles less 3D will be spreading wordwide and I just hope I get to see Holographic recreational VDO content before I die... (Wishful thinking I know...)
Guess I should stop.. got my work assigned to get cracking and all set to work
Just my opinion dint mean to be offensive at all .....and how much I love Technology eventhough it will probably kill me 10 or 20 years earlier!!!