Entry level AVR


Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Need suggestion on upgrading my old Yamaha v375 AVR which is working fine except that it doesnot support eARC , Atmos and HDCP 2.2. Hence i have to connect all streaming device to my TV and route the sound through AVR with patchy ARC connection.

Which is the bare minimum AV receiver supporting either virtual Atmos along with eARC .

If i let go Atmos (which right now is not a huge priority) , what AVR can I look at to which i can hook up my streaming device like a firestick or ATv for 4k passthru .

Any suggestions of reliable used AVR shop in Mumbai or where should I plan to buy a new one given AVR prices have skyrocketed in last few years.
Need suggestion on upgrading my old Yamaha v375 AVR which is working fine except that it doesnot support eARC , Atmos and HDCP 2.2. Hence i have to connect all streaming device to my TV and route the sound through AVR with patchy ARC connection.

Which is the bare minimum AV receiver supporting either virtual Atmos along with eARC .

If i let go Atmos (which right now is not a huge priority) , what AVR can I look at to which i can hook up my streaming device like a firestick or ATv for 4k passthru .

Any suggestions of reliable used AVR shop in Mumbai or where should I plan to buy a new one given AVR prices have skyrocketed in last few years.

AVR prices have indeed gone through the roof thanks to CV19. The best place for used AVRs is our classified sections and OLX. There are hardly or no stores in Mumbai who sell used AVRs except for a few dealers who have clients who keep upgrading and hence the possibilities of getting a used AVR.

OLX has genuine dealers as well as individual sellers. Based on your budget and requirements, check some of the ads, see the uploaded pics and ad content. Usually, most dealers do a copy paste of content from the web or will have no content at all. Very few sellers will take the time to list down all details

I have seen a couple of Denons, Marantz being available over OLX, maybe you can explore those options.

All the best!
If i let go Atmos (which right now is not a huge priority) , what AVR can I look at to which i can hook up my streaming device like a firestick or ATv for 4k passthru .

If Atmos is not your priority then you can consider these 2 options:

Denon X250BT (5.1)
Denon's entry level AVR.
I'm also using the same in my living room and it's really good for its price, far better than 5x priced dolby soundbars, i could say.

What you'll going to miss:
- Dolby Atmos (obviously)
- Audyssey room correction (not a big issue if one knows to calibrate manually).

Apart from these 2 the humble Denon works really well for its price. I've bought it for 38k in Jan 2022.

Available for purchase in amazon.in. - Denon AVR-X250BT 5.1 Ch. 4K Ultra HD AV Receiver with Bluetooth (Black) https://amzn.eu/d/2WPRIsP

vplak: https://www.vplak.com/denon-avr-x250bt-p2889

Option 2:
Sherwood 7.1 AVR

An American audio company, Sherwood is been in the industry for 60+ years. They're manufacturing audio video products with very good quality.
If the budget can be increased to 40k, you can get a 7.1 system instead of 5.1.

There are couple of offline shops in Chennai which sells this but there's not much of online ones i can find except for the Indiamart.
You can check this seller:

On Sherwood:
If the primary aim is to watch ott streaming apps with Atmos not being the priority then I would suggest using the optical cable to connect the tv and the existing avr otherwise not much point in buying one. Further arc can be a hit and miss sometimes;)
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