The math for Indian listeners will be very different. We pay just Rs 99 pm for Apple Music lossless here. That’s Rs 1200 per annum. Assuming a foreseeable period of even 20 years that’s just Rs 24000 at today’s value of Rupee.
Now how many CDs can you buy in that amount? Considering Indian recordings at Rs 200 and international CDs at even as low as Rs 1000, we are talking of average Rs 600 per CD investment, fetching you just 40 odd CDs! And LPs? Not more than 15-20.
Of course we are comparing only the economics here. And also not taking into account the resale value of the CDs/LPs, which, given how technology is fast evolving, would be difficult to determine in 20 years from now. But even if one recovers the amount they spent, you got to consider the opportunity cost of the invested amount for a long period like that. With the exception of first print LPs, other physical media don’t appreciate like collectibles.
But beyond pure math, the intangible value of physical media - right from purchasing to organising/displaying to picking to handling to maintaining it cannot be put into money. I don’t think I’d ever part with my CD collection (glimpse of a part of it in my DP) just because I do a lot of listening through streaming these days. Yes, I don’t listen to two CDs in a day like before, but even listening to those one or two CDs over a weekend is an experience I treasure.
And yes at the level at which streamer technology currently is, even my Rs 1 lac streamer isn’t able to provide the sound quality of listening to the CD even using the lossless subscription. But the difference isn’t day and night and I believe would keep reducing.
Having said all this, I believe the constraining commodity when it comes to media (streaming or even physical) isn’t money. It is on fact ‘Time’! I doubt I’d be able to listen to my entire CD collection an average of more than say twice. And so you should too. Don’t believe? Well, let’s do the maths. 1000 CDs x an hour each x 2. That’s 2000 hrs. Assuming I continue to listen to even to 2 CDs on an average in a week, that would take 1000 weeks. That’s close to 20 years isn’t it?