Floorstander speakers for bollywood to match with Naim nait 5si


Active Member
Jun 20, 2013
Current setup
Source: LG 4K TV (Optical), Intel NUC (USB), Google Chromecast Audio (Optical), AudioLab 6000CDT (Coaxial)​
DAC: Denafrips Ares II​
Integrated Amp: Naim Nait 5si​
Speaker: Wharfedale Diamond 225​
What is lacking in current setup ?
  • Lack energy and lively ness - for example song "chahe koi mujhe junglee kahe" does not sound that energetic.
  • I also feel bass in not so good in wharfedale, it's not fast and accurate, it can't keep up in songs like "Dil se re".
  • Above is two major point, rest are minor like instrumentation separation, soundstage, vocal, this thing will improve with better speaker.
What I am looking for in new speaker ?
  • I like warm sound, don't like sparkles in high frequency.
    • IEM RHA MA750 vs Shure SE215, I like Shure SE215, RHA MA750 causes fatigue to my ear.
    • Since I don't have listen to other bookshelf or floorstander speakers, I have given comparison for IEM
  • Bass
  • Better Vocal, Soundstage, instrumentation separation
  • Musical not analytical : I don't understand music, I feel it.
  • Naim Nait 5si should be able to drive with ease, don't want to upgrade electronics.
  • Since placement will be near to wall (1 feet distance from back wall), near wall placement friendly.
What is budget for new speaker ? : 1.5 Lacs.​

Music teste
  • 99% bollywood
  • Old songs from lata, asha, RD Burman, Kishore, etc.
  • 90's music
  • New Bollywood
  • Ghazals

Listening Room
  • It's living room, please check images for dimension and layout.
  • Since speakers are going to be placed near to main entrance door, I want floorstander to have safety of not falling.
  • Currently room has regular furniture that typical Indian living room has.
  • Current TV unit will be removed and will buy new equipment rack.
  • My concern with floorstander is bass boom.
  • On various forums and online article they mentioned room size as small, medium and large.
  • It would be great, if someone can tell me in what is category of listening room small, medium and large ?


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Boom on floorstanders happens only if the floorstander is badly developed. Since you like the shure se 215s sound and Not RHA I think you would like DYynaudios sound profile. But hyped up midbass and smoother (rolled off?!) treble.
If you are sitting a close to the wall I would suggest you pull up your couch to the kind of 1/3 length of the room. The more close to wall you are you hear booming
You should consider the Wharfedale Linton Heritage. They aren’t floorstanders, but large standmount speakers with their own squat stand - less chance of toppling as compared to smaller bookshelves. The sound is exactly what you need - warm yet peppy. Speakers that put a smile on your face and rhythm in your body. These speakers are totally for those who ‘feel’ their music.

If you insist on floorstanders, then look at the Evo 4.4. But I feel you’d love Linton if you listen to them (carry your Naim along for demo).

Also, if you can convince yourself to put the Diamonds on stands with around a foot gap between them and the wall behind, they’d open up more than where they are currently placed. Even on that cabinet there’s some space, you could try pulling them to the edge of that shelf.
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You should consider the Wharfedale Linton Heritage. They aren’t floorstanders, but large standmount speakers with their own squat stand - less chance of toppling as compared to smaller bookshelves. The sound is exactly what you need - warm yet peppy. Speakers that put a smile on your face and rhythm in your body.

If you insist on floorstanders, then look at the Evo 4.4. But I feel you’d love Linton if you listen to them.
As you are used Wharfedale signature, These would also work.
Why don't you check out Indiq Diamond Achals? You will find many happy users here on HFV.
I am looking at them, group buy is also good option here.

Indiq Diamond Achals - Nominal Impedance is 4 oms, minimal is not mentioned on website, I think they require Amp with 2 oms stability.
However Indiq platinum Achals is 8 oms and Naim can drive it easily.
I am concern about there size, it's big and how they will perform in my room, specifically bass boom.

You should consider the Wharfedale Linton Heritage. They aren’t floorstanders, but large standmount speakers with their own squat stand - less chance of toppling as compared to smaller bookshelves. The sound is exactly what you need - warm yet peppy. Speakers that put a smile on your face and rhythm in your body. These speakers are totally for those who ‘feel’ their music.

If you insist on floorstanders, then look at the Evo 4.4. But I feel you’d love Linton if you listen to them (carry your Naim along for demo).

Also, if you can convince yourself to put the Diamonds on stands with around a foot gap between them and the wall behind, they’d open up more than where they are currently placed. Even on that cabinet there’s some space, you could try pulling them to the edge of that shelf.

Linton is not my cup of tea in looks department.
Evo 4.4 is on my list, just worried about there dimension being on larger side.

Any one has listen to Evo 4.2 or 4.4 and Indiq platinum Achals, please post your thoughts on comparing two.
Have been using Neat Motive SX2 with same amp and quite satisfied. They are not warm, emphasise more on mids to high. But for relatively smaller room, it has surprising amount of musical bass. Its down firing port helps in placement near wall.
u might miss muscle / body due to its smaller woofer/ enclosures, but extra bass compensates for it
With right interconnect and R2R dac, i feel it would suit well for ur requirements, though i have no idea of mentioned IEM sound signatures
Shld be well within ur budget, try audition this model or SX3 or highly regarded Iota Explorer from Neat
You should consider the Wharfedale Linton Heritage. They aren’t floorstanders, but large standmount speakers with their own squat stand - less chance of toppling as compared to smaller bookshelves. The sound is exactly what you need - warm yet peppy. Speakers that put a smile on your face and rhythm in your body. These speakers are totally for those who ‘feel’ their music.

If you insist on floorstanders, then look at the Evo 4.4. But I feel you’d love Linton if you listen to them (carry your Naim along for demo).

Also, if you can convince yourself to put the Diamonds on stands with around a foot gap between them and the wall behind, they’d open up more than where they are currently placed. Even on that cabinet there’s some space, you could try pulling them to the edge of that shelf.
Hi guys this is Manish I'm new to this forum. Well not new joined back in 2012. Just never posted anything. I'm more of reader. Well Lintons are very good speakers they have very different sound signature which keep you stick to your couch.
Quad s2 u can check. Its very good in vocal specially old song. Very musical to my ears. Also u can go with neat speaker. In worldwide naim forums lots of people use neat with naim. Neat are very fast accurate to justify the naim PRAT.
Also spendor 4/5 a good option with naim.
Since speakers will be kept in living room, max acoustic, I can do is carpet.
Given the acoustic condition and room flooring and hard wall.

Will floor standing speakers be over powering in my room ?
Hi I have platinum achals close 6 inches from the wall, and one speaker is in the corner, I know it's not ideal, but trust me it sounds great. These speakers are quite forgiving, there won't be any overpowering. My hearing distance is 8 feet, where as your hearing distance is around 15 feet. So there will be no bass boom.
You may not need any acoustical treatment for this speaker.
Hi @jigarpatel , the Achals are placement happy plus they don't sound boomy even in 9X10 room. The tonality and the sound stage is really nice. You can read my thread and will get a good idea how many brands I auditioned before finalizing them. Go for them eyes closed.
Hi @jigarpatel , the Achals are placement happy plus they don't sound boomy even in 9X10 room. The tonality and the sound stage is really nice. You can read my thread and will get a good idea how many brands I auditioned before finalizing them. Go for them eyes closed.
Any speaker I want to take demo first then only decide on buying it. Don't want to buy blindly.
You could demo spendor s3/5 in pune. You may like it. (You could take you amp/dac for demo)

It's sealed box, so placement is not an issue. It's as warm as you could get :) should be easypeasy for the naim.

Floorstanders - try kef or dali

Also, contact these guys, officially distributors of sb acoustic drivers they have kits for floor stander...for 1.5 lakhs, you'll get an incredible combination of drivers - - https://audiofy.in/collections/mid-range

You could also try diy speakers made by professionals.. There is one for sale for 65k, 15inch beyma speaker with horn. These are high sensitivity, easy to drive.
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Also, if you can convince yourself to put the Diamonds on stands with around a foot gap between them and the wall behind, they’d open up more than where they are currently placed. Even on that cabinet there’s some space, you could try pulling them to the edge of that shelf.
I have ordered speaker stands from sound foundation.
For now I am going to focus on how can I improve Diamond 225 sound in my room, using speaker stand, putting rugs, measuring with REW.

Early I have decided to buy Indiq diamond Achal, however I have put that on hold, don't want to invest serious money in speaker without audition.

Also keep your suggestion coming, once time allows will be doing audition and decide.

I am also open to bookshelf speakers suggestion.
Good luck. u have taken right call to listen in person and then decide whr to put money. Video / audio recordings of speaker playing would not give u correct picture. Post pandemic i m sure many FMs would also be happy to host u for auditions
I quite like how the D225's sound. Place them on stands and give them some room, they should keep you happy for quite sometime.
Have received Sound Foundation Aura Speaker Stand.
I have been trying out different speaker position with stand
  • Best sound position = Back side of speaker 2 feet (24 inch) away from wall behind, 6 feet distance between speakers (Twitter center to Twitter center). This position in room speaker become obstacle in coming in house and going out. Not a practical position.
  • Current Position = Back side of speaker 1.8 feet (20 inch) away from wall behind, 5.3 feet distance between speakers (Twitter center to Twitter center).
In general on stand, I have on noticed improvement in bass, wider sound stage, instrument separation and clarity.
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