Fractal DAC BY EC Design – I am Mind-Fracked!


Sep 13, 2009
For the past 2 weeks, I have been listening, listening and then as an after thought, compared it to my current Dac.. Then, I had to remind myself (now this is a first!) to compare it to the Vinyl rig…

So, before you read on, you got to understand that I am an out & out analog guy… and for me having a DAC is just to listen to some odd discs that I don’t have on LP or for stuff that was never printed on vinyl… (like, Moonrise over the Silk Road- Shujaat Husain Khan - Kayhan Kalhor).

So, last month after a lot of continuous bombardment (which has been all over the nets for R2R) I decided to consider upgrading my DAC (one I have been fairly ok with for over 4 years – Chord 2qute)…

Many DAC’s came up for consideration, including the erstwhile favorites – HOLO Spring DAC, Audio-GD, etc, and of course the ubiquitous Dena Frips range….

Then one reference was made by FM yogibear about a DAC that is famous in the DIY forums – Fractal Dac by EC Designs.

He even helped me source it …

Now, why would I jump for it? Especially since I have only Yogibear’s and over 600 pages of DIY forum’s pages word for it? Well, I am a bit kooky like that… Esp since a fair amount of folks there seem to have compared it to Terminator and other even more expensive gear and it seemed to come out on top of ‘em all…

So, am I naïve? Too trusting? To many, it would appear that way. But, believe me, it was pure agony for me those 2 weeks of armchair research.. Esp since this seemed to be raved about as a DAC that seems to satisfy many a Vinyl head like me…

So, could it be, will it come close to the vinyl gear that I have? Can I finally listen to my Shujaat Khan album on a setup that brings the SQ as close as it gets to Vinyl?

Now, for some who get the emotion, I think will agree, just trying to answer that question, and succeeding would be more than worth it….

So, how many of you want to get the answer quickly? Well, I had to wait and listen for a few weeks. While I got the answer within the first hour… the why of it gets answered on every listen…

So, what will follow is that journey… A journey that allowed me to give my vinyl rig a good ong rest!

But, that story we will begin on another day…

For now, let me get back to the R2R conundrum and the fact that the Fractal Dac was an unknown factor to consider… With virtually no fanboys tom-tomming its ability to bring down the heavens with the angels singing operatic paens of hitherto unheard of scales that make the holy ghost bluster in disbelief – how the heck did these puny mortals design such a DAC?

So, with just the DIY and few other computer audiophile forums talking about this – it was a difficult decision…

But boy am I glad I took it.

So, before I go today, let me leave you with this:
1. It is a DAC that will not go anywhere soon
and 2: I promise to let you all in with detailed reviews about why I love it so!

Here are a few pictures:
This is the Passive Volume Control - SVC24

The below are the DAC - DA96ETF and the Digital Audio Reference Source- U192ETL
Congrats on the new acquisition.

I am also looking for a new DAC and have been reading on EC Designs DACs and the new Fractal for the past month.
There are only a few reviews of the Fractal DAC and I was not sure if they were unbiased.

Then I read @yogibear's comments on it. I know he has a good ear and am contemplating whether I should bite. If possible, please share the pinch.

It is going to be a nail biting wait for your impressions of the new toy.

So, folks it’s been over a month since I last posted…

In this time, a few more changes have taken place… hence I had to recalibrate my sense so the new components and hence re-asses the Fractal in this new scenario…

So, what has changed?

I auditioned a pair of new JBL 4429 speakers and realised that while my Vintage JBL Sansui EC138 are FANTASTIC, the newer JBL Monitors (though smaller) were punching way ahead, without losing the fabled JBL boogie factor… And the resolution is up up up!

Now coming back to the item in focus… With the JBL Sansui EC 138 the Fractal showed how detailed and expansive it can be… But with the added resolution, I found another aspect of the Fractal – I found how deeply immersive it is… The stupendous detail usually ends up overwhelming the senses, but not in this case…

The deepest black background of the Fractal, combined with the details created a brocade of sounds where each instrument is in its own space, and yet contributes to the tapestry of sound unlike I have ever experienced.

The sound is experienced as a wide soundstage - highly resolving with a great amount of detail. The mid’s are not artificially tuned to be sweet. And the bass is tight tight tight. It whangs and clangs – provided your speakers are up to it. Mine is!

I found the Fractal is truly magnificent with brass/horns, woodwind, piano, plucked harp strings, acoustic guitars and more!

What different from DACs like Chord Dave (which I quite like, and have heard extensively) is that while DACs of the ilk of Dave & Terminator add plenty of detail but the overall sound add a glossy sheen to everything that is being played in the recording. This then takes the sound further away from sounding “analogue like”.

So what do I mean by Analogue like?… Clearly, that phrase can mean any amount of things to different people.. To me it means this: EMOTIONS

And yes, Emotions are captured in this DAC…

Black black black background (have I mentioned it before?)

Songs rising from the depth of inky black pools like many coloured hues in contrast— kind of like how at night when it’s very, very still, even the silent breathing of your wife sounds loud…

Compared to the other big $ DACs? — more emotional experience …

And when I say more, the Fractal actually gives you fewer options - 16-44.1 & 24-96… but in this case, less is actually more!

Here is a summarization from my notes over the last few weeks, with some of my fav albums (not many are audiophile albums, some are though)…

  • Crosby, Stills and Nash - Cathedral… this slow, slow song… with black silences… sounds glorious when suddenly the chorus rises - like a strong gale blowing at a steady pace… earlier it was just a humdrum wind on a sultry afternoon …

  • The stockfish recordings sound as sparkly as ever… the instruments sound more prominent in their soundstage spaces…

    Yes this images like a champ…

  • Ana Popovik- fearless blues… one could ‘see’ her strings bending & straining this way and that …

  • Hey Now – London Grammer… Never sounded this expansive… the details on this track pop and shimmer in the expansive soundstage… It's like a fantasy that you wouldn't want to end… but end it does as the song ends!

  • Black Swan -Thom York … great track to test the lower octaves dynamics… The sound I am getting is tight.

  • Kiss From a Rose – Becca Stevens Band… The tone and texture of the voice and the instruments on this recording really shines through. The upright bass sounds glorious in my set-up thanks to Fractal and of course the JBL 4429…

  • Whole Lotta Love- Led Zepplin… “You need cooling / Baby I'm not fooling /I'm gonna send ya/ Back to schooling” yeah… the grunt, the heft, the tone, the overall feel of this song via the Fractal really kills it for me! This is a song that I have been listening to since I was 12 and have heard it thru countless setups, and this time I can say – send all other DAC’s back to schooling!
That’s all for now.. will add more impressions soon! Especially track on track impressions in comparison to the Vinyl!
I concur with Manav.. Got to hear his JBL 4429 with the EAR Pre-Power combo fed by the Fractal DAC + Clocker and the music made me forget all the components.. The JBL 4429 is a winner and I am shocked why I had never heard any of their bookshelf speakers before and even knew much about them... At first, Manav has increased the treble and mids to the maximum on the 4429 which made them a little shrill but when he switched it back to 0 levels, it sounded sublime... The EAR combo although expensive for my taste and budget is fantastic and makes the music very engaging bringing out all the details and dynamics with aplomb...

I could not compare the Fractal with anything else but for it's price, it is a superb sounding DAC presenting a natural, neutral sound... Would try and borrow it from Manav and hear it in my system to get a better perspective of it's sound but the synergy of all the components in Manav's system made music very very enjoyable and foot tapping..
Does the DAC - DA96ETF work on it's own or do we mandatorily need the Digital Audio Reference Source- U192ETL? Website says standard Toslink won't work.
No they do not work with standard Toslink but only with ElectroTos. So you would need transport U192ETL or player UPL96ETL.

Their latest DAC which is Powerdac R will take in standard Toslink, which is apparently made on same fractal DAC and also act as Pre-amp (volume controller)
U192ETL is a state of art, work of research and engineering, and even if it was possible otherwise, it would be a shame to interface DA96ETF with anything else other than the Electrotos U192ETL.

I consider both as inseparable for incredible Sonics.
Is UT 96 comparable to U192ETL in terms of sonic?
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.