Getting more out of my Lyrita


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2008
In the past few days i have been trying to get more out of my Lyrita. A few things that worked for me:

1. Changed the rubber feet under the Lyrita amp to hardwood ones. Opened up the mid bass. Viren too had a similar experience

2. Changed the glass fuses inside the amp to ceramic ones. Removed some high frequency hash and improved flow. Viren too had a similar experience but to a lesser extent than mine

3. Added a ground conditioner to the amp. I got Entreq Minimus. I quite liked what it did. It improved dimensionality and added a touch more focus. Unlike power conditioners, this device did not change the tone or timbre one bit. A recommended addition.

Other Lyrita owners can also try any of the above. Benefits will naturally vary, depending on the system
I changed the stock power cable (Rs 70) to Virenji's DIY cable, the bass has become tighter.

SB Classic + CA Dac Magic + Lyrita EL84 + Vintage B&W DM4 / Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary LE + Lyrita's IC & Speaker cables
Hi Heliumflight

Yes. The Lyrita responds to power cables. I have not tried Viren's power cable but from the ones i have tried - Volex, Blacksand, Lessloss, Shunyata, the ASI Liveline was by far the best. So presently i am using Liveline with my Lyrita.
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You probably already may have them. But tube dampers are a must. Aren't they ?
This looks very well made and good design.
Tube Dampers
I have tried Herbies tube dampers. I did not like them. I thought they damped the music a little too much for my liking. Thanks for the link anyways.
Here's an update

The hardwood footers under the Lyrita definitely is an upgrade to the rubber footers which come with the amp. The ceramic fuses too are a clear upgrade. However the Entreq ground conditioner does nothing in my set up. Initially it seemed to make it more dimensional but after about 10 days i do not detect anything. So that goes out. Incidentally a friend of mine tried it with his cd player and he was very happy with it.
Hi Prem,

Where did you get the ceramic fuses? Are these those same one seen audio websites? Those blue colored ones are one brand the name I forget.

Hi Stevieboy

Viren got them for me from Mouser. They are the Bussmann ceramic fuses. Littlefuse is also good. There are also expensive fuses available like Hifi Tuning, Isoclean, etc but these fuses are not UL rated. So i avoided them.
Viren's custom power cord is the only mod I have done and I believe it has been positive - although it has been quite some time since I listened with gay abandon, so not quite sure.

Viren also sent me an alternate rectifier tube for my 2A3 SET amp which thoroughly launched the system into a different level. Particularly for vocals and anything mid range! Again, not sure of the actual tube model...perhaps Viren could help..
In the past few days i have been trying to get more out of my Lyrita. A few things that worked for me:

1. Changed the rubber feet under the Lyrita amp to hardwood ones. Opened up the mid bass. Viren too had a similar experience

2. Changed the glass fuses inside the amp to ceramic ones. Removed some high frequency hash and improved flow. Viren too had a similar experience but to a lesser extent than mine

3. Added a ground conditioner to the amp. I got Entreq Minimus. I quite liked what it did. It improved dimensionality and added a touch more focus. Unlike power conditioners, this device did not change the tone or timbre one bit. A recommended addition.

Other Lyrita owners can also try any of the above. Benefits will naturally vary, depending on the system

Yesterday I got 3 wooden teak blocks 1.5" X 1.5" and placed it in a triangular fashion below the chassis of the amp. Behold what I got was a more dynamic sound.;) Thanks Prem

SB Classic + CA Dac Magic + Lyrita EL84 + Vintage B&W DM4 / Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary LE + Lyrita's IC & Speaker cables
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Yesterday I got 3 wooden teak blocks 1.5" X 1.5" and placed it in a triangular fashion below the chassis of the amp. Behold what I got was a more dynamic sound.;) Thanks Prem

SB Classic + CA Dac Magic + Lyrita EL84 + Vintage B&W DM4 / Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary LE + Lyrita's IC & Speaker cables

Did you remove the rubber blocks from the amp first? Just confirming
Nope, I placed the wooden blocks next to the rubber feet, so I guess not required.

Ok, so what I understand is that the height of the wooden blocks is bigger then rubber blocks, so automatically the rubber blocks become redundant
Will be doing a round of changes to the Lyrita amp next month.

1. All tube sockets to be changed to CMC Bakelite
2. IEC socket to be changed to vintage Switchcraft 301 which is bakelite with silver plated brass pins
3. Fuse holder to be changed to vintage mil spec Russian fuse holder, again bakelite with silver plated brass contacts
4. RCA sockets to be changed to Vampire gold plated ofc jacks
5. Aluminium top plates to be replaced by hardwood plates
Hi Prem
Will you get the mods done in Mumbai or will send the amp back to Virenji?
All mods are being done in consultation with Viren. I must also mention Viren's service levels are outstanding. My rectifier tube went kaput and the very next day i had a replacement reach my home.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.