Hello Fellow Like-minded Friends


New Member
Apr 10, 2022
Hello friends,

As a kid growing up in the late 80's and 90's, I had plenty of lovely opportunities to listen to music in stereo setups. My father and many uncle's were into it, luckily a few friends' parents were too.

I on the other hand had no idea about the conversations that would go down during the many listening sessions i was a part of.

I was given a discman by my father, and would use Kazaa to download music, rip to CD as WAVs and listen to my heart's content ( wasn't old enough to know about copyrights)

Then life happened, music tastes changed, parties and car audio called for bass heavy music. Earning my own bread meant my best setup was a JBL Creature II hosting house gatherings.

Went all the way down to Zebronics portable Bluetooth speakers. Which served the purpose at that time and age.

Pre Covid i got hitched to the love of my life. Of course, was a rocky road up to that point. Then Covid hit, our plans went for a toss ( like everyone else's ).

Guess it was an age thing or maybe a memory from a time lost to the ages, woke up one day thinking "it would be nice to listen to stereo at home".

Having knowledge of the fact that I didn't understand the complexities of matching speakers to amps, wiring them, do's & don'ts, and whether to look at RMS or Ohms, or what to get it right. Called my father and asked him "What's next?".

Being the lovely gentleman he is, he sent me an old Pioneer SA 7600 amp and a matching tuner TX7600 that he had refurbished over time and said "figure the rest out". The tuner doesn't receive beyond 90Mhz!!!!! Spent a week wondering why it wasn't working. Haha. None of the local channels in my area are below 91Mhz.

Then came Hifivision. I'd scour through a number of articles to put the pieces of information i had in my head from my childhood listening sessions with the information on this forum to grow my knowledge base.

I've got somehwere from nowhere thanks to the sharing attitude possessed by FMs. Purchased a used Pioneer speaker pair that matched well for my listening intentions. It had one woofer acting strange, made a friend in town with a person who fixed it for me.

The amp being old and all, had some sort of loose contact when the loudness knob was touched. Cleaned the contacts, and got it playing clean again.

Purchased a Cd player (dont own any CDs) thinking I'd go back to ripping CDs and listen. Then i realised CDs aren't a thing anymore. Good writers, CDRs are hard to come by. Uffff.

Now I've got a RPi4 hooked to an old TV, running Libreelec, a Modi Schiit + hooked to my amp. Music on my PC via DLNA. Golden i should say. My last speaker pair was an iBall Tarang lion 2.1. hahaha.

My wife and I are exploring and acquiring some amazing taste in music. We found a hobby that we both love spending our free time on. It's nothing but pleasure.

Which is why I wanted to take time out and write to you guys and girls. To tell you how helpful you guys are and to express my gratitude.

Thank you for everything. A great amount of light coming out of some really dark times.

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