Hello from Japan


New Member
Feb 14, 2014
Hello everyone, I am happy to join this forum and discuss with you!!
I am Italian and I'll live in Japan for few years.
I love Japan and have always wished I could spend a few years there. Welcome to the forum and I hope we hear of some of your experiences there. Benvenuto!
An Italian living in Japan, discussing audio on an Indian forum...now we are talking international :clapping:

Welcome to the forum...hope to get some insights into the Japanese HiFi market from you...
Japan reminds me of "Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot" that I used to watch on TV in childhood days and always used to make the best part of the day.

Welcome kekko to HFV.
the japanese listen to some seriously refined high end audio

they know their stuff pretty well

compared to most of the world
and their population
it is actually a generalizarion - its my personal general opinion and observation

i would even go as far as to say that most east asians (audiophiles ) can set up a room better than most westerners and tend to get their placements done very well

you will be surprised to know many western manufacturers have east asian consultants to tell them how their speaker sounds, and how to setup their room ( at least i was )
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