hey venu. i am really sorry man. I can see my post has upset you. rest assured that was not the intention. It was not talking about your thread alone. It was a general rant, it just happened to be in the context of your thread. My unqualified apologies. I could have put it nicer, I realise.
Hey Buddy,
At first sight, I got the same feeling as Venu, when you posted a similiar post in my thread and later that was ratified
hyeah: by Madbullram
But it happens so that some threads are really boring, not to mention, even some threads related to AV having biased views and exaggerations and some posts pertaining to "Unleashme's" slogan
hyeah: in signature.
When I joined this forum, all I had was only the interest to learn and curiosity to participate in threads, I had no idea about what is happening except that I owned a Yamaha AVR and a HTib and a so-called HTPC, but I always wanted to participate in discussions. I was going through every post related to AVRs about for 3 months, i.e., June, July, and August and because of the inconvenience I had as a nonmember while searching the thread, I decided to join the forum.
In fact, you, TheVortex, Suri, Rajiv, Soundsgreat, and few others always kept my mouth wide open with regard to stereo world!
Also, there are lots of other threads regarding ebay, 20north, glass, watch, car, etc., if you start a thread about "watch" and "bikes," I would be the first one to post, but on other topics, I would simply refrain from posting.
So, you guys need to give us little fellas some time and letz have some fun! If this is really a menace, which we are not realizing, I am sure this will not be there when we get into AV more seriously. After all, we are all here to have fun after the hectic time at work, but it is only the percentage which differs, 100%, 80%, 60%, 30%......