Himedia 3D FullHD player in 7.5k approx

So many people have viewed , come on fire Questions . I have more good news .

Please surf for even better deals ..lets join to change the scene of media playback here at Hifiv . Why pay 9 to 12K for a better player? A media player is must have for all , when in 7.5k you can have all the features (there is still more to come , after all i like the title dealguru )

The player has android . All powerful features plus the wow factor of configuring the unit via android unlimited apps .
good add on is tiny wireless keyboard ..no more selecting files like monkey via IR remote .

NO more so called smart tv buy , this lets you do much more .. type the URLs , text all via small measy keyboard
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.