How Does Youtube Streaming Work On A Smart TV?


New Member
Feb 17, 2012
Hello guys,
My 1st (2nd in overall) smart TV was a Sony Bravia W700B 32". It was just fine except after about 3 years when the built-in YouTube app started to working problematic. For example, whenever I saw the app was stuck at the YouTube logo forever, I had to
  1. clear cache through the TV's web browser
  2. reset the app
  3. factory reset (soft reset) the TV
In its fourth year, after watching videos for more than an hour "too much memory..." message appeared regularly and hence forced the app to quit.
Recently I bought a Samsung NU7470 43". It is 2 weeks old. Everything is running fine (the voice command is not that good if compared with Hey Siri or OK Google found in smartphones). In its quick guide I saw if the YouTube app crashes/fails then it is advised to switch the dns to Google's But I use cloudflare DNS (
The TV runs YouTube just fine. I now watch 4k videos for hours everyday. But the reason I posted this thread and also talked about my previous TV is because I want to know does watching videos for about 2/3 hours straight eventually put the YouTube app in the similar situation my previous TV faced?
How does the app works in this particular TV? Sure, it is newer and more powerful and the built-in YouTube app is faster but does the app works similarly across all the newer/older smart TVs in terms of caching? When I watch videos on my PC's browser it caches in the browser. Is it something like that? Should I then clear the cache/reset the app on my TV even though apparently no problem is found?
I know a smarter way would be to buy/use a Google Chromecast. But I am not willing to buy one now.
If someone points me towards the right direction I would be much obliged.
Technically the app is different on sony platform, samsung platform and chromecast platform. Just like any app is different (i.e. made separately) for apple and separately for android.

On top of that, sony might not be releasing latest version of the app, so frequently as samsung or chromecast.

Adding to that, the hardware / memory is different on each platform.

So the performance and issues of any app, are different on each platform. YouTube may give issues on sony, but run smoothly on chromecast bcos the underlying operating system is different in sony, diffetent in samsung tv and diffetent in chromecast.
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