If you're interested in a Lenco L75...

Used electronics is not allowed into India. It could get confiscated by the customs
Used electronics is not allowed into India. It could get confiscated by the customs

In July 2016, I got my Lenco L-75s from Italy. It came through customs (Via Mumbai) without any duty/fine or confiscation. May be i was lucky.
The chassis appears to be in great nick and definitely is a good buy, but as it comes without the platter, you'd need to purchase that separately. The L75 platter usually appears now and then on ebay retailing at $20-40 and then you'd have to get the Lenco platter mat and stobe plate if you want to bring it back to OEM condition, that's the additional investment.

The turntable chassis, even with platter and everything is usually considered in the "spare parts" category while the turntable deck mounted in a plinth or cabinet with connecting cables, etc will be labelled as "used electronics" :) If the item badged as "used electronics" is not confiscated, they will charge a huge fine plus about 30% customs duty on purchase price + shipping cost.
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Reuben, you are right about the platter. I missed that :-)

Unfortunately L75 is scarce locally and if it is then you can safely expect it to cost upwards of 35K. So it is up to the individual to take the risk depending on desperation. Besides customs is hit and miss in India. I am no expert in this matter but I try not to get greedy and mark items as gift or ridiculously low like 25$. I also asked the seller to just mention the product name and to not add any words like spare/repair/used etc. May be customs gets revenue and probably passes these items through for personal use. I would probably mark the TT at 50 Euros + Shipping. Encourage a bit of duty to be charged.

Anyway, just thought I'd share the link and let people decide for themselves.
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