image ghosting in samsung40eh6030


New Member
Dec 5, 2012
need help
in hd sports channel.. image ghosting
what can i do?
just one month passed
initially it was not there
If problem is in the TV, then it should for all channels. But as you mentioned it is on Star Sports.. you should check that channel on your another TV (but use same source). Are you using any DTH service?

samsung people said
its not at all a problem
I think it is a motion blur issue it happens in 3D when visuals comes fast and mostly in sports channels. So it is directly related to TV's refresh rate and not to the channel.
Yes, there is possibility for it too. He can notice it on the news channels (the headlines running at the bottom of screen), it should look like jerking pixels, or notice the running credits/titles at the end of the movie.

I think it is a motion blur issue it happens in 3D when visuals comes fast and mostly in sports channels. So it is directly related to TV's refresh rate and not to the channel.
The 6 series is pretty good actually.
So, can you check the same channel at a showroom and see if that piece also experiences the same problem?

Try the settings that Just4kix has mentioned above if you have those or equivalent settings.

See if this video provides any useful information:
Samsung 40EH6030 Input Lag SSF4AE2012 - YouTube
thank u all for these advises. i am trying with judder and smooth functions now.
it may not be a big problem.
my wife is not feeling anything wrong
always one pen drive is connected with it. will it make a problem?.
while watching a cricket match.. in any channels..
bowling, batting and all will be a smooth movie. when camera turns fast to a fielder
his initial movement is getting shaken. that means four to five images will appear.
further running will be smooth.
If you have a camcorder of an HD movie camera do a test ...

- take your camera and go to any open space such as a ground, terrace (should have clear visibility)
- using the camera as still as possible (and using a tripod, if possible) do a 45 to and fro pan of the surroundings - shot must have some objects (and not plain ground)
- the pan should not be too fast - must match the speed of pan of a cricket match cameraman following a ball

Check the footage in home.
I feel that DTH is as much to blame. All DTH providers, including TataSky, use low bit-rates and compress the picture quite a lot. I can sometimes see motion judder during a cricket match. The heavy compression means lossy picture and this can introduce loss of frames. TVs introduce a technology called as IFC (Inter Frame Creation) to smoothen the motion. But this results in something known as the "soap opera effect". Read the article and this one and you may perhaps understand.
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