Important questions in one thread for home theater/entertaiment room please help


New Member
Jul 5, 2016
Hello guys.

This is my first post on this forum, so as first home theater/entertainment I'm making in my apartmant.

I have my plan separated in two phases: next month phase; and near future phase. I had to do it because in one bite it is way more expensive. But these two phases are connected because there will be wall drilling, and cables must be ready.

I have so many questions, because this is very expensive investment. I was surfing all over the web to find lot of information and now I'm think that I'm ready to search for help here.

I will try to be as specific as possible.

Things that i own that are important:

- PC with nvidia gtx 970
- STB with HDMI input for my television
- Xbox 360

Things i do not own:

- projector
- screen
- A/V reciever
- Bluray player with home theater speakers
- HDMI cables

My next month idea for getting to this, and questions:

My idea is to make home entertainment that will allow me to watch movies and play video games in 2D and 3D.

I would like to get a fullHD, 3D, 16:9, DLP, less-rainbow, small lag input projector. I wonder if benq w1070+ can do me a favor for all of this, if not can you recommend me one? (I'm going po play lot of games by it, on pc and xbox, and watching lot of movies.)

I will connect my projector and PC with HDMI cable. w1070+ has 2 HDMI inputs, so other cable will go from projector to the place where i will put it STB or Xbox360 depends what i want to watch.

I ordered screen: Celexon screen 290x169, 16:9. What do you think about this screen?

Now main questions:

1. Will i be able to play 2D movies from PC directly to projector with HDMI cable, or owning a BluRay player is something necessarily?

2. Same question just asking now for 3D movies.

3. Im going to buy Nvidia 3DTV softwer. So i wonder if this is a way to avoid blueray player? And if somebody tried this software can you tell me is it good? Is it totaly free to use after paying 40$? Will i have to buy new games that supports 3D or I will be able to play games that i own already in 3D? And is it able to watch downloaded 3D movies from internet with this Nvidia 3DTV software?
Is this way of 3D gaming good quality, or there is some better way to do it?

4. If all of this answers are something I would be happy to hear, which will be the best 3D glasses to use for this setup?

5. What HDMI cables should I get, because I'm going to put them in the walls, and they have to be of good quality? Price range?


Now things that I would like to achieve in near future, but because i'm going to drill walls so i can conduct cables through it, i have to know some more things.

Im going to write setup idea, and please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.

List of items that I own and I will need for this future setup:

- projector
- pc
- stb for television
- xbox
- AV reciever
- 3dBlueray home theater system with wireless rear speakers
- HDMI cables

In AV reciever I put STB, Xbox, PC, 3D Blueray player, all by HDMI cables.

AV reciever i connect with Projector with HDMI cable.

And home theater speakers are connected to bluray player.

Am I correct?

If this setup is all right:
Can you recommend me good AV reciever with minimum 4 HDMI inputs, that will not disturb the quality of picture? It does not have to be very expensive.

Can you recommend me good 3D blueray home theater system with wirelles rear speakers?

I know this post is very long, this is something that i have been playing around for last six months alone, and now is the time to get some advice and answers from you guys.

Thank you very much in advance, i hope that everything is understandable!

I'll add more information if I find out something is missing.
thats a long list of questions. break it down first.
Budget for a projector and 3d glasses first. Connect your gear and see how it feels.
Then start on the audio gear by auditioning as many amp/speaker combination as you can.
Home theater and gaming can be done in surround, so keep that in mind. HDMI Cables from Mono-price, Blue Rigger are good but if you fancy you can go for monster or audio-quest.
Speakers and amplification is a beast in itself to sift through. Depending on your budget you can look for Home theater in a box or if you like to be more adventurous, separate s.
Depending on the room size everything should be decided.
You might also want to consider adding a UPS for all the equipment, or a sine wave inverter. Projectors can be sensitive to light fluctuations. I see you are in Serbia, so don't know what the story is over there.
Downloaded movies are not as impressive in 3D because of the lower bit-rate quality, so a 3d bluray player is a must for movies.
You can plug the NVidias HDMI output in to the projector and it shouldn't be a problem. If you have windows, it will auto detect.
ARC functions in AVR's will allow Audio to be split, and send to the selected output.
Like of Yamaha, Marantz will be fine.
Whew. Hope that's a start for the conversation.
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